part 52

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As far as I knew, Taehyung had planned a dinner for me and Jiwoo was coming to get me. I was already dressed and ready in a casual t-shirt and jeans even though I still had an hour before we had to meet them there.

A doorbell scared me off the sofa I was lazily laying on and I scrambled to the door to look through the peephole just to see Jiwoo.

She's early?

I open the door just to scold her.

"You barge in earlier but this time you knock? Can you have some consistency?"

She ignores my comment and dangles a zipped garment bag in front of my face.

"I hope you don't think I'm going to let you out in jeans and a t-shirt, Y/n," she teased as I took the bag from her hands.

"I think you should have shoes to go with it, I didn't manage to find any. And before you object, it's a gift- from all of the guys, there's a card inside the bag," she explained.

I quickly unzipped the bag to find a beautiful white dress with stars all over it inside as well as the card that Jiwoo mentioned. I quickly read over the chicken scratch Taehyung had written:


Congratulations, our shining star!

We have loved working with you and are so proud of this achievement of yours.



Below their band name were all seven of their signatures.

Jungkook's signature.

It was hard to stay made when he signed his name with a heart and a bunny at the end of it.

I wanted to ask Jiwoo if he would be there, but I didn't want to get my hopes up or disappoint myself, so I just quietly go get dressed and do my hair and makeup to match.

I wanted to ask Jiwoo if he would be there, but I didn't want to get my hopes up or disappoint myself, so I just quietly go get dressed and do my hair and makeup to match

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They really do know how to make a girl feel like a star.

I twirled in the dress with matching white heels for Jiwoo to see once I was done getting all done up.

"Is this why you came early? So I wouldn't look like a bum? Is this dinner nicer than I'm expecting?" I attack her with a barrage of questions.

"No, we're still going to KBBQ," she shrugged as she looked up from her phone and smiled when she saw me in the dress.

"This is a horrible KBBQ outfit! It's all white!" I threw a fit jokingly as she got up and grabbed her purse and coat.

"You look beautiful, Y/n," she sighed as she looped her arm around mine and we left my apartment to head towards the restaurant, which she still hadn't told me which one.

As we got there, I noticed that it was, indeed, just a regular KBBQ place. Not some secretly fancy restaurant like I had suspected. However, the parking lot was eerily empty for dinner time on a normal day of the week. Right as we were walking through the doors, Jiwoo grabbed my arm and whispered one more thing in my ear.

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