part 8

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My alarm went off. It was already time to wake up and get ready for meetings.

It felt like I barely got any sleep. Maybe 6 hours?

I curl my waist length hair into long, loose flowing curls and ever so slightly coiffed my bangs. My makeup is a soft, warm glam with a smoky eyeliner and soft, peachy lips. I put on a baby pink, off the shoulder, chunky sweater dress that was cinched at the waist with a white snake belt, paired with see-through kitten heels. I checked the calendar on my phone.


Notification: 01/14 - Meeting with builders, 7:30 AM

Notification: 01/14 - Meeting with PD nim, 9 AM

Notification: Weather - 60 F


I grab my long white coat with the fur lapel and threw it over my shoulders.

I really did look like an idol once I got all done up. Men were always throwing themselves at me, but I never paid any attention to them. Most of the time those same men wouldn't show me an ounce of respect without any makeup on or while I'm working in my own kitchen. 

What's the point of being beautiful if you get left behind, anyway? 

I managed to sneak quietly out of the house while all the guys were still sleeping and headed on to my first meeting of the morning.


I sat at the table with the builders who were giving me a presentation on the restaurant and what they had already done.

"As you can see, Ms. Min, we were able to expedite the completion of the restaurant by..."

As the builder spoke, I stared off into the distance at a tall building that towered above Seoul.

Suho Enterprises. How vain of a person do you have to be to rename your father's company after yourself?

The name brought chills to my spine. I should have known better than to think coming back to Seoul meant I wouldn't have to face Suho ever again.

He hurt me so much. 

I would have never guessed that my childhood love would have turned so bitter.

We grew up as friends. Our families were friends. Our mothers, our fathers. Our fathers' companies had ties together. Thankfully they separated those ties when we separated as well. At least my parents had my back, then.

I tried hard not to think too deeply about Suho and what he was doing now. It had been years since I had to see him or even hear his name. He wasn't anybody in particular outside of Korea other than a handsome, 8th generation chaebol. 

We were supposed to be childhood sweethearts. We were supposed to be lovers forever.

Things change. People change.

"Ms. Min?" The builder probed my attention.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I've been half asleep this whole time, I'll be honest. How about I say, breakfast and coffee on me for your whole crew, then we'll go over the meeting one more time? Anybody that doesn't need to be here can go ahead and start working if they need," I apologized as I looked towards my secretary, Mr. Soon.

The lead builder smiled and seemed flustered.

"Ms. Min, thank you. My crew would greatly appreciate that before they have to start their work day."

I called for Mr. Soon and gave him some quick instructions.

"Please take the order of all of his crew and go ahead and have it delivered to the worksite. I feel bad for not paying attention the first time," I whispered to Mr. Soon.

"Thank you, Mr. Soon," I said as I handed him a black credit card with his name on it. 

"Here is your company card, please be quick," I smiled.

He nodded, took the card with both hands, and proceeded to start taking the crew's orders.

"Sorry, everybody! Let's take a 10 minute break and we'll be back to the meeting," I apologized to my building crew.


Once everybody's orders were taken and I managed to clear my head of Suho, I continued about my meeting with the remaining lead builders.

"As we were saying earlier, we're pretty much done. We're adding all the finishing touches to the interior and exterior of the building, but the last step is for our interior designers to come in and furnish the place. Everything is going smooth, to the point where we should be ready to have guests by the end of the week."

"Thank you so much, that works out perfectly," I said as I checked the time.

I was already 10 minutes away from having to be at my next meeting.

I quickly text my secretary to notify Bang PD that I would be running late.

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