part 40

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Jungkook decided to finally join all his hyungs in the living room after getting himself cleaned up after that phone call with IU. Nothing like a nice, hot shower to get rid of that gross feeling left on his skin from talking to her again. He stopped by the kitchen to grab a soda before he entered.

"Where's Y/n? And why are you all gathered here in the living room?" He asked as he ran his hand through his hair

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"Where's Y/n? And why are you all gathered here in the living room?" He asked as he ran his hand through his hair.

Then he realized there was one more person there than usual. His stylist was there.

"Oh? Mrs. Cho?"

"Hello Jungkook! Ms. Min's manager asked that I come by today with some fittings for the event you guys are going to attend," she responded politely while gesturing to the pop-up closet she had set up in the living room.

"We're all sitting here because Jiwoo asked us to help her make a decision on what you guys should wear," Hoseok offered as his eyes never left his phone. Jungkook decided to join everybody else, and plopped onto the sofa and got on his phone while they all waited for whatever it was. Y/n and Jiwoo, he was assuming.

He smiled to himself as he sent the last text

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He smiled to himself as he sent the last text. Three minutes felt like a lifetime, now, but soon enough Jiwoo and Y/n were waltzing through the front door with their arms full as well.

Jungkook locks eyes with Y/n, who looked incredibly dressed up in comparison to him. He couldn't help but feel the butterflies in his stomach as she tossed her hair over her shoulder on the way in. She waved and smiled at him before getting pulled along by Jiwoo to the center of the living room once she put all the dresses down.

"Ah, Jungkook, you couldn't have worn something nicer than that out of the shower today? Y/n looks so posh and beautiful and you look so casual," Taehyung teased.

"Hey, don't tease my Jungkookie," Y/n teased back as she tenderly touched Jungkook's bicep while pointing at Taehyung. Everybody laughed, even Jiwoo and Mrs. Cho as they gathered together all the outfits for us to try on. Y/n was 9 inches shorter than he was, and her heels would bridge that gap to just 5 inches shorter.

Jungkook was used to getting dressed, and was really just anxious to see what Y/n would be wearing in coordination with him. He was dressed quickly, while it took a while for Y/n to get into her more intricate dresses. 

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