part 6

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I was pretty sure at least 4 people were talking at once? Or maybe just the velocity in which they were coming at me made it feel that way. These guys had a lot of energy for it being as late as it was.

"Ah, thank you guys for the warm welcome. Yoongi, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin- thank you. I hope to see you guys in the morning. I know I have to be up early, so maybe later in the day."

I bowed and followed Jungkook down the elaborate hallways that eventually led to the largest bedroom in the house.

The bed was freshly made and the personal touches I had asked of PD nim were perfect. My favorite color was (your favorite color) so PD nim hired an interior designer to make the place lush and comfortable.

My belongings were very neatly stacked in the corner by Namjoon who waved at me as I entered the room. I felt worse for wear but was grateful to have a place to rest my head that felt like home.

"Thank you, Namjoon, it's perfect. I will have to let PD nim know. He did so great."

Namjoon smiled and nodded.

"Yes, the director usually manages to outdo himself- especially for pretty women like you," he laughed. "Anyway, I'll let you get to rest. Come on, Jungkook."

I hadn't even noticed that Jungkook was standing behind me as I admired the whole room.

Just like that I was left alone. I quickly hopped into the walk in shower to rinse off, before jumping into the standalone tub in the middle of the bathroom. I soaked to relax and drown away all of the jet lag and dried off to get in bed.

Thoughts circled in my head about the way I felt when I first laid eyes on Jungkook in person.

It must just be a fangirl thing. I'm sure every girl he meets get starstruck like this.

I couldn't resist herself and picked up my phone off the nightstand and pulled up a search page.

Jeon.. Jungkook... girlfriend

Very quickly photos of IU and Jungkook together at award shows came up.

I frowned and closed out of the browser and plugged my phone in to charge.

It didn't matter anyway. I don't need a boyfriend right now. I don't need a boyfriend ever. I won't get hurt again.

She's so beautiful, though. I mean, I'm beautiful too, but she already has him.

I sighed and pulled the blanket over my face and curled up into a ball.

Stop being a stupid fan girl. You grew out of this.

Luckily, and very easily after a hot bath, I managed to fall asleep.

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