part 14

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How come every time I walk into the room, she and Yoongi-hyung are being friendly?

IU was gone now, but the energy of their talk still lingered with him. He did his best to shake it off as he also poured himself a glass of wine.

It didn't feel like a lot of time had passed, but they had already started cooking dish after dish with Jin and Y/n on the grill, ordering Jimin and Taehyung to bring the dishes to the table. She wasn't kidding about putting them to work.

It was all very impressive. She even managed to get him to cook for her. Honestly, though, he would be astounded by any man who would actually be capable of telling her no.

Once all the cooking was done, the table set and ready to serve, Y/n, Jiwoo, and the boys of BTS all sat down around the large, round table that had a beautiful array of Korean food on it.

They all sat and thanked Y/n for the beautiful meal before all diving in.

"Y/n, tell us about you- we want to know more," Namjoon led with the question everybody wanted to ask once they had already had a few bottles of wine among them.

"Oh, me? I'm sure PD nim has already told you guys about my family. I was just a little girl who was an ARMY growing up and now I've earned a name for myself in such a way that I get to work with BTS," she exclaimed excitedly.

"You never had any dreams of being an idol? Even with your mom being one?" Seokjjin asked.

"I did, for a little while. My parents had hired dance instructors and voice teachers to help me train, but something happened along the way and I change my mind once I got to high school," her voice trailed off like there was something left to be mentioned, but it seemed like a touchy subject to ask so nobody pressed on.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the fact that Y/n was an ARMY.

And as quickly as he enjoyed it, the panic began to set in.

Every ARMY has a bias... and a bias wrecker. There's 7 of us and only two favorites. That explains it. Why is she so comfortable with Yoongi-hyung? He must be her bias.. they even share a last name. I have no chance.


Why do I even care if I have a chance?

Before any of the maknae line could begin to interrogate Y/n about her childhood as an ARMY, Jiwoo gasped audibly at the table and the room fell silent.

As everybody looked over, she appeared to be looking at something on her phone. She sat upright, adjusted herself like she hadn't been drinking this afternoon, and looked straight at Y/n.

"You've been invited to the James Beard Awards ceremony."

The table was silent. None of the guys really knew what that meant so they all looked towards Y/n and Jiwoo for confirmation. Her mouth was agape, in a soft o-shape, when suddenly she snapped back to reality.

"Wait. Okay. We'll talk later about how you were able to get that infor-"

"Oh, Y/n, I had already asked your secretary to forward me all of your work emails so that I can arrange your schedule accordingly so you don't have to deal with it. Secretary Soon and I have been doing a great job collaborating."

Y/n laughed at Jiwoo's carefree take on the matter.

"Thank you, Jiwoo. It really is like you're my manager at this point. Pro bono, of course," Y/n teased.

"Anyway, wow, this really is such an honor. I didn't expect such news to come to me on just my second day here. I'm sorry this had to interrupt our lunch!"

Jungkook could see the excitement in her eyes and hear it in her voice. This was something special to her.

"The James Beard Awards is like the Grammy's for the cooking industry. I've yet to be recognized for anything, so this is a really big deal. I'm sure I've just been invited because the ceremony is in Seoul this year and that's where I am opening my restaurant, but it's still an honor to be able to go. The top chefs in the world gather there and award all the most notable and up-and-coming chefs in the industry," Y/n explained.

She spoke with such passion in her voice and a slight tremble from the rush of emotions she was feeling.

"I- actually, I'll just read the email, let's go to the living room."

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