part 12

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How could he not have told them I was coming?

IU should have known better. She should not have come over. Jungkook was always so thoughtless about these types of things. It always ended up awkward.

It felt strange and uncomfortable.

Why do I even care? I've been trying to break up with Jungkook for a week now but he has been too busy to even know I exist.

Suddenly, IU got very jealous and possessive, but at the same time defeated and apathetic. She wouldn't break up with Jungkook just yet, she decided, but she did need to tell him the big news. This weird possessiveness that overtook her was strange.

She already had met somebody else, but seeing the way he looked at Y/n made her blood boil and made her want to keep Jungkook around.

That idiot.

"Ah, thank you, Y/n, but I have prior engagements so I unfortunately won't be able to stay," IU bowed. "I just came to speak quickly to Jungkook, here."





Jungkook quickly stood up from the kitchen bar stool he was sitting on and grabbed IU to pull her aside to his room.

"We'll be back, sorry, everybody."

He sped her along to his room and quickly shut the door.

"What's going on?" Jungkook questioned.

"N-nothing, Jungkook," IU stuttered- him asking do abruptly threw her off. "I just wanted to come see you. You're going to be very busy for the next 6 months and I... actually I do have something to tell you.. I'm going to be in America for the next few months... living there, specifically New York. I need a change of scenery, and I know this will put a lot of strain on our relationship but I hope that we can still be together during this time."

Jungkook was taken aback. So much was happening all at once now. IU was moving to New York, what felt like eons away. Y/n would be living with them for a month and they'd spend the next 6 months working together, and his feelings about that were definitely conflicted. He felt jealous at every turn whenever one of his hyungs got a little too close or a little too familiar.

It felt like he was lost in thought for hours but IU's touch brought him back within seconds.


"IU.. we will do our best. This relationship is hard, but we will do our best. There's not many people that can handle dating an idol and I am grateful to have you in my life."




The words felt cold, somehow. Like their relationship was a passing formality that he would later replace. One that she had already replaced.

With that, IU became slightly embittered.

If they broke up again publicly, it would ruin her image. She didn't want to draw attention to her moving to New York and her new boyfriend, so for now she would just hang onto the relationship with Jungkook.

What she failed to mention to Jungkook was that a new life was waiting for her in New York. She had met a Korean-American producer in America that she had fallen in love with and he wanted to marry her and start a family.

She knew Jungkook was not one she could continue sharing a life with, but still felt the complacency to stay and also the pressure to stay from her managers because Jungkook was an international star. Leaving him for some obscure American producer sounded insane.

Maybe she just needed somebody... less famous? Less successful? Maybe she was jealous of Jungkook.

"Thank you. I love you, Jungkook," IU whispered, "I have to go now.. this was actually my last time seeing you. I don't know how long I'll be gone but I'll come back to see you soon, I'll miss you."

IU knew she was lying but had to say it anyway. What part was she lying about? She didn't know. Maybe part, maybe all.




Why am I even letting this continue?

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