3. A visit

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Percy's point of view:

They say that I am a traitor.
Maybe I am.
All I know is that I did what I had to do.

The look on her face.
Annabeth looked so disappointed, so mad and lost.

As was everyone else.
All my friends, soldiers, even Chaos.
The look on his face..

I had to.. I know I did. But still.

I am standing in front of her door.
I knock on the door with a trembling hand.

My mind goes back to when I came back from the quest with my friends.
And now yet again.. Everything has changed.

She opens the door and there she is.
Her brown hair in a messy ponytail.
Her eyes open wide as she sees me.

"Mom.." I whisper and rush into her arms.
I try to keep myself together. But a couple tears escape and roll down my face.

"Percy!" She says softly hugging me back.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?!" She asks me, still not letting each other go.

"I.. I just wanted to make sure that you were alright." I tell her.

She clearly has no idea what had happened to her in the past 3 days.
I intend to leave it that way.

"That's very sweet of you honey. But I really have to hurry. Paul and I are meeting for lunch." She says grabbing her coat and keys.

"Oh, that's alright. I'm.. I'm just glad you are okay." I tell her.

She smiles at me.
"Mom.. a lot has happened in the last couple of days. Is it okay if I come over tonight. Maybe you could make cookies?" I ask her with puppy eyes. Knowing she can't resist my puppy eyes.

"Sorry Percy. I am very busy today.. I have to meet with Paul later on for lunch." She says. "Maybe in a couple of days?" She offers.

I raise my eyebrows.
"Couple of days?" I say. "Uhm.. Yeah. Okay." I say a little confused.

"Great! I can't wait." She turns around and closes the door right in front of me. Weird..

I try to shake it off. Just some side effects of being held captive by Tartaurus and Gaea in the underworld. Nothing to worry about.

I walk outside and try to think what I need to do next.

I turn around and see Paul walking up to me.

"Oh, hi Paul. Good to see you." I say smiling.
He gives me a hug.

"Same to you. Came by to visit your mom?" He asks still smiling.

"Yeah.. Just to make sure she's okay." I tell him.

"Why? Is she hurt? Is everything okay? You know.. up there?" He asks looking concerned at the grey sky above us. I smile.

"Don't worry. Things are fine, for now at least."

"Okay good to hear. You wanna come inside and have something to drink?" He asks.

I look at him puzzled.
"I thought mom is going out to meet you for lunch.." I say.

His face was hilarious under different circumstances.
"Oh no... Did I forget about something?" He asks slightly panicked.

But Paul never forgets someting. Especially when it comes to mom..

"Paul.. Have you seen mom for the past couple of days?" I ask him suddenly having the feeling something is very wrong.

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