23. Hope

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Percy's point of view

It has been almost two years since we had defeated Nyx, Tartaurus and Erebos.

Chaos had taken them out of the void and put them in a place where only he could go to.
He said they were under "house arrest"
We all laughed if off and moved on. Trusting they couldn't get out and Chaos had it all handled.

I had a hard time with getting back to normal.
It took me almost a week to wake up after the battle.
My entire body was hurting with everything I did.

That lasted almost 4 months.
Then when the pain finally got less it took me all my willpower to keep myself standing.

The poison of Nyx was strong and had done a lot of damage to my body.

Annabeth has always been by my side.
She helped me whenever. She believed in me when I didn't believe in myself.
Everytime I had lost patience and got frustrated she was there for me.

If it weren't for her..
I would have stayed in bed and never have left it.
Gods I am so thankful for her.

Within a year I could slowly start training again
Building up stamina and strength.
And now I am slowly getting there.
I am still working on healing, mentally and physically.

The battle and all the pain and emotions had taken a toll on me.

Seeing your mother getting killed. Or so you thought. She survived thanks to Will. He rushed over to her and risked his own life doing so. He saved her. Healed her injuries.

Having to control the blood of your friends and soldiers in order to defeat Nyx. That was horrible.
After a couple weeks they asked about it.
Annabeth had told them the story of what had happened in Tartaurus with Misery.
But the faces of everyone haunts me still.

And just all the fear, rage and sadness.
It was a lot. 
Luckily they all helped me through it.

I have visited camp a couple of times.
As well as Olympus. Where I could thank Apollo and my father again for helping me.

And today I have finally won a one on one with Luke in sword fighting.
Usually he would hold back. But this time I could see he was having a hard time. And I won.

I was so happy in that moment.
It gave me hope.

But right now we were sitting in my room and were about to watch a movie.
We all needed some relaxing.

The team went on a mission last week and had just returned. I didn't go. Because they wouldn't let me.

"Who's turn was it to pick a movie?" Bianca asks.

"Mine." I say grabbing the remote.

"No, definitely not yours." Zoë says shaking her head.

"Well.. it's my room, and besides.. you didn't let me go with you on that mission so it's only fair for me to pick a movie." I say in a matter of fact.

They all look at me.
"Percy.. are you being serious? Are you twelve?" Selina asks facepalming.

"Twelve and a half actually." I say while I am putting on my all time favorite.

"Nooo.. not again!" Beckendorf sighs.

"Seriously Percy, you need to watch different movies." Luke says looking at the television with boredom.

"Again..." Annabeth asks looking at me.

"All of you.. absolutely no taste. This is cultural entertainment." I say smiling at my friends.

"First of all, that is not a thing. And second, if it was, it would be cultural torture." Leo says.

"Tsss. Shut up and pass me the popcorn."
Not a second later I get thrown a bowl of popcorn against my head. And everyone was laughing.

And that was the moment I knew things would be okay. That all we had to do was keep going. Or as Dorry would say "just keep swimming"

And most importantly having people around you that love and support you.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This was it...
The sequel to; The lost hero returns.

It turned out differently then I had planned.
So I hope that you enjoyed it and found it a worthy sequel to the first story.

Thank you for sticking with me and the story even if I didn't. Love you guys !

I am currently working on a crossover with Harry Potter and our boi Percy.
I will publish that story all at the same time.

Thanks again for sticking around.
Love to read your comments and thoughts.


- L

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