22. Healing takes time

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Annabeth's point of view

My heart was pounding fast and my body was trembling with fear and stress.
Selina held my hand and Luke placed a hand on my shoulder. I am thankful for them.

Percy was being carried into Olympus by Chaos.
Percy was looking so pale that sometimes I feared he was already dead. But then he would grunt or his face would move so I know he is still alive.

But if we wait a bit longer he will die.
And I am so scared. Only the thought of losing him again is breaking my heart and making me want to break down in tears.

We enter the throne room and all eyes are on us.
The Gods probably know what had happened in camp. They always know.

This time it is just me and the team who have gone with Chaos and Percy.
The others are staying behind to watch over camp and treat the wounded.

Chaos had ensured us that Nyx was in a place where he could take care of her and hold her there until he knows what to do with her.

"Chaos? What are you doing here? Wouldn't Jackson be beter off in your realm?" He asks.

"No." Chaos says monotone to Zeus. He never liked Zeus but especially after last time Percy helped save them, Chaos has resented Zeus. He looked away and at Poseidon. " Poseidon, Apollo. I need your help." Chaos says.

Poseidon was on his feet immediately. Apollo also rushed over.
"Nyx had poisoned her swords and it's killing him." Chaos told them while he put Percy down carefully.

Apollo went to examine Percy.
He was unconscious and shaking like he had a fever.
Apollo was looking troubled and confused.

He closed his eyes and put his hand above Percy's wounds. There was a golden light comming from his hands. Just like when Will heals someone but then more light.

Percy grunted and kept his eyes shut tightly.

"Can I help?" Poseidon asks Apollo. Apollo opened his eyes and looked like his mind was racing.

"We need him in water. It might stabilize him and help the healing process. And if we blessed him... it could work." Apollo said.

Poseidon moved his wrist and salt water came from outside with elegant movements. They surrounded Percy and he immediately seemed to relax and stoped shaking.

"Son. Please hold on." Poseidon says to Percy with his hand on his son's chest. "Hold on Percy."

Apollo closed his eyes again and placed his hand on Percy's heart. There was a bright and golden light filling the room.

"Percy, pull through." Chaos whispers. "I need you to stay alive. Please.." Chaos puts his hand on Percy's shoulder and he blessed him.

"The poison is rare and very powerful. Percy is strong for making it this far. I think if a demigod or even a minor god would have the injuries that he has..
They wouldn't survive 5 minutes." Apollo says.

Me and the rest of the team was quiet.
Percy took a hit for me. If he didn't.. I would be dead.

"Percy.." I whisper as I make my way to his side. I put my hand on his cheek and one on his heart. I feel it weakly pumping in his chest. Tears blurr my sight. "Percy, I can't lose you.. I can't.. not you.." Tears flow down my face and land on his chest.

Suddenly I feel a hand gripping mine.
"You won't wise girl.." I look up in surprise.

Percy had his eyes open.
His beautiful green eyes look at me. I smile.
"Percy, the poison. You need to hold on okay?"

"For you.. anything." He whispers as he closed his eyes again.

My heart hurts seeing him like this.
He keeps holding on to my hand.

Meanwhile Apollo is working and Poseidon is keeping the water around him and blessing him and the water so it will work beter.

After what felt like forever Apollo took a deep breath and sat back.
I look at him and hoped he would say "there you go. You can go home now and there is nothing to worry about anymore."

But unfortunately the look on his face was not promising.

"And?" Was all I could say.
Apollo looked at me and then down at the floor.

"The poison was in his system for a long time. I have managed to take it all out. But.. it has done some damage. Percy will be able to do a lot. But he probably won't ever be able to fight like he did. He will still be hard to defeat. But his body is damaged. He will need to recover and take his time." Apollo explains.

"So.. he will be okay?" I ask.

"Yes, but you need to watch over him. The pain he has felt, the things he did and the battles.. they will leave a emotional scar. It is a miracle he is still alive and sane." Apollo says.

"Thank you for everything.." I say to the three men around me. Then I look at Percy.

"He will be sleeping for a while. Make sure you put him in salt water from time to time. And then he needs to alow his body and mind to heal. It will take time." Apollo says.

"Thank you." Poseidon says to Chaos and Apollo.

"You too gentlemen. I will take him with me and we will all take care of him and keep you posted." Chaos says.

The two gods stand and nod.
"Please. Come visit when he is awake and ready.." Poseidon says to Annabeth.

"We will." I promise.
I look up and chaos smiles. He lifted Percy up and nodded at the gods in the room.

"Your children have fought well. You should be proud and thankful. They have a lot to recover from. A parent is crucial for them to do that. Think about it." Was all that Chaos said before opening a portal and walking through.

I looked back and saw Poseidon look at us.
I looked over at my mother who looked at me and nodded proudly.

Besides me I saw the rest of the team look at their Parents. We bowed to them and left with Chaos.

We had to help Percy.

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