8. Next

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Annabeth's point of view:

We arrived back at camp and waited for the others to come back. But as the afternoon approached we started to feel restless. I was about to go to Luke when I heard him call my name.

"Annabeth, it's Silena." Luke says.

My mind raced as I ran to him.
"What happened? Is she okay?" I ask as I stand next to him. I see Silena through an IM.

"Don't worry beth. We are both fine. But we did ran into a little problem." She said.

"What is the problem?" Zoë asks standing on the other side of Luke.

"The soldiers.. they are starting to lose their ways. I hope to get as much of them to camp. But we have been working all day.." She said suddenly looking tired.

"It's okay. Just try to get as much of them to come with you." Luke said crossing his arms. He takes a deep breath. "Keep me updated."
Silena nods and the rainbow disappeared.

I look at Luke.
"It's going to be okay." I try to reassure him.

"But we still haven't heard from Jason, Piper and Nico. I have a bad feeling about this." Luke says looking troubled.

I knew he was right.
They should've been back by now. Or at least told us how things were going.

"What do you want to do?" I ask him.

Luke just shakes his head. When he looks at me I could see the face of a very tired and stressed man.
"I don't know anymore Annabeth.. I don't know.." He says. I could sense he was about to have a breakdown.

"Come on. Let's go." I grabbed his arm and gently pulled him with me. He was too tired to do anything about it.

I pulled him to the lake.
I sat down and gestured for him to sit down next to me. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

We just sat there. Looking at the approaching sunset.
The stars started to become more visible.
The little waves made a comforting sound.

"Percy used to come here when he needed to think." I say quietly. "Whenever he felt stressed or felt like the pressure became too much... he came here to calm his mind." I felt Luke glancing at me.

Luke looked at the lake.
"How did he deal with everything?" He asks. "With the weight of all the responsibilities, of the expectations. Knowing that if he made a mistake others could end up hurt."

"Because he didn't do it alone. He relied on his team, his friends and those around him. Of course there was a sense of responsibility that he carried. Especially when he was leading the battle in Manhattan. He was just a kid. We all were. And then he became commander. He had years to get used to the weight."

Luke was quiet for a moment.
"I don't know if what I'm doing is right or if I am making everything worse. In all those years I thought I knew what needed to be done. I thought I could handle it. But now.. I'm not so sure anymore."

"Luke, you are doing great. The situation is messed up. The army will realize that they were in the wrong. They will fight along side us. And the Romans will too. We will get him back. But in the mean time. You just need to breathe. And do what you think is right. We are all here for you." I tell him.

He looks me in my eyes. There was a small smile on his face. The scar from all those years ago barley visible. He opened his arms and I embraced him.

"Thank you. I needed that." Luke whispers.
I smile and let him go. He stands up and offers me a hand. I take it and he pulls me up.
"Let's see what the Romans are up to."

I nod and we make our way to Chirons office.
We knock and walk in. Chiron was in his wheelchair and smiled at us.

"Chiron, any word from New Rome?" Luke asks.

Chiron looks at him.
"No my boy. I'm afraid not. The Romans have been quiet for quite some time. Even before you came back. There has been but a little of communication between the camps." Chiron said.

"How come?" I ask him confused.

"We don't know.." Chrion admids.

"Could Nyx be behind it ?" Luke asks.

"Could be. But we don't know what is going on over there. And we couldn't check because of the long distance. So I was glad that Jason, Piper and Nico were sent there." Chiron tells us.

"So do we wait for Jason to report back?" I ask them.

"I-" Luke was about to answer when we were interrupted.

The door opened and it was Clarise. Her face filled with worry. "You guys need to come. It's Nico."

I looked at Luke and we both ran out the office and followed Clarise outside.
She led us to a small group of demigods. They were standing around something. No, someone.


I quickly made my way through the people.
Will was looking at him. He was covered in cuts and wounds.

"Nico! Nico, What happened?" I ask kneeling down next to him. He looked even paler than usual.

Nico opened his eyes and he glanced at me .
There was a strange look in his eyes.
I look up at Luke. This is not good.

"Will, can you fix him?" Luke asks the blond haired boy who was busy with his boyfriend.

"He'll be fine." Will says with a tense undertone.
"I need him in infirmary." Will says looking at Luke.

Luke picked the boy in front of him up and carried him. Will started to set things up and I sat by Nico's side.

Nico lifted his hand and grabbed my wrist.
"Shh, it's okay Nico. Will is going to fix you." I whisper. But he didn't let go.
His eyes opened again.

"Percy.. he nearly... destroyed New Rome..." he says with a hoarse voice. I look at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" I breathed.

"Percy.. is attacking New Rome." Nico whispers.

"What... right now?! What about the others? Jason, Hazel, Piper and Frank or Reyna?" I ask him. "Are they okay?"

But Nico was not responding. His eyes closed and he was fast asleep. Will started to treat his wounds.

I was trying to understand.

Percy is attacking New Rome.
He had attacked and hurted his friends.
We need to help them. Now.

Something told me, we were next.

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