16. It's okay

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Percy's point of view:

The demigods and the soldiers looked around. Confused about the monsters leaving in the middle of battle.

When they saw them leaving through portals they noticed me standing there looking at Nyx and her brothers.
Which made them even more confused.

I raised my middle finger at them and smiled.

The demigods and the soldiers looked between us and started to cheer.
They formed a big group behind me.

Nyx cried out in fury and frustration.
She told the monsters to stop leaving.
But most of them where already taking a swim in the middle of the ocean.
There was only a small part of the army left.

The three deities were yelling at each other.
Nyx was just looking at me.

Annabeth, my team and the seven appeared besides me. Luke placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Welcome back Commander." Luke said loud.
Another cheer went up from behind us.

"Glad to be back." I tell him.

Suddenly someone pulled my arm and made me turn around. Her grey eyes were filled with tears and there was a smile on her face.

"You're back!" She said hugging me so tightly it was hard to breathe.

"I am WiseGirl, thank you." I whisper. "Come on let's end this." I say out loud.

"What are your orders?" Luke asks smiling.

"Demigods, soldiers! Focus on the monsters Reyna, you guide them. Selina, Bianca, Luke, Beckendorf, Hazel and Frank take Erebos. Zoë, Annabeth, Leo, Nico, Jason, Piper take Tartaurus. Nyx is mine." I order.

"You heard him! Get in positions." Luke yells.

Nyx was still looking at me. I could feel her trying to take control again. But I block it.
She yelled at Tartarus and Erebos to shut up.
They stopped and Erebos saw us.

He smiled and yelled to the army to attack.
Nyx looked at him furious, but the monsters were eager to fight. They came running at us in full speed.

"Let's go!" I say. And a battlecry rised up. Filled the air with power and emotion.

We charged. I was leading them into battle once more. I smiled.

Monsters blocked my path to Nyx.
I summoned my two swords and took a deep breath and focused on my powers.
I killed everything in my way. Deadly and swift.

Piper and Bianca were being attacked by a group of langer monsters.
I ran over to help. They got out unharmed and the monsters were turned into dust.

I made my way closer to the hill. Helping out soldiers or demigods on my way.
I was almost there. I turned around and looked at the top of the hill.

At that moment I experienced an eternity of fear within a couple of seconds.
My mind as well as my body stopped.

At the top of the hill were Nyx, Tartaurus and Erebos. But so was my mother.

She was standing in front of Erebos with a sword on her throat. She looks scared and wounded.

I wanted to run to her. Embrace her and tell her she'll be alright. That everything is okay.
But all I can do is stare.

The battle is still far from over.
My army, my friends everyone is fighting.
New monsters were appearing. Nyx has summoned reinforcements.

I look back at Erebos. He laughs.
The laugh is cold and hollow.

"Surrender! Or she'll die." He says kicking my mom down on her knees. "Look around child! There is no way you can win this battle."

"Mom.." I whisper softly with a trembling voice.

I can't hear her. But she says my name with a faint smile on her face.

I hear thunder and see lightning in the sky.
Jason calls upon it and kills a large monster.
Leo is blasting fire and Nico is summoning the undead and Piper and Selina are charmspeaking monsters.

Everyone is struggling. We are barely keeping up with the flows of monsters.
Campers are getting hurt and tired. So is my army.

"Surrender and this will all be over." He says.

"Let her go! She has nothing to do with this! Fight me coward!" I yell at them.

I look at my mom.
She shakes her head. Her eyes beg me to fight them and help my friends. To let her die if she has to. But I could never leave her. And she knows that.

"I love you Percy."
I couldn't hear her voice.

Then she grabbed a sword from the ground in front of her and she turned.

She swings her arm around. She almost hit Erebos. But he caught her arm and laughed and lifted her up by her wrists.

She falls to her knees as he lets her go.
She clutched her hands to her stomach. Even from this distance I could see the blood.

Thats when I saw Erebos holding a small sword.
It was covered in blood.

She looks at me and smiles.
"It's okay, I love you Percy.." She whispers before she falls down in the grass.

My legs can't seem to hold me anymore. I fall on my knees and lean forwards with my hands clutching the grass.

I scream. I scream at the top of my lungs.
My body starts to tremble. Tears blur my sight and fall down in the grass. My breathing and heart fastened.

I look up, realizing that the earth beneath me is shaking. But I don't care. Anger had taken over.
Whitout noticing I formed a hurricane of water from the lake around me.
The rain stopped. It just hung fronzen in time.

The monsters stopped with fighting to see what's going on. The demigods and soldiers, no matter how confused they were took advantage and ended them.

The army of monsters was defeated.
But I didn't feel victorious. I didn't feel happy.
I didn't feel anything but rage and anger.

Nyx and Tartaurus looked at me.
They seemed curious and cautious at the same time.

Erebos was still smiling but there was something else on his face.

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