17. Poison

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The army of monsters were defeated.
There should be laughter and happiness all around.

But it was silent.

Not a single person was cheering, clapping or even smiling.

All the eyes were focused on me and the three deities in front of me.
Wondering what would happen next.

But I didn't notice.

All I could feel was the overwhelming rage and sadness. The tears that rolled down my face and fell down on the ground.
My heart pounding in my chest and the air burning in my lungs.

I was still on my knees on the hard ground, clutching at the grass.

The hurricane was there, but the water was hanging still in the air. Unmoving.
The ground had stopped shaking.

I feel something inside me shatter.

All the emotions I felt in the past couple of minutes of battle were gone. Whiped away.
I felt emotionless and angry at the same time.
Which is a very dangerous thing.

I stood up and looked at Erebos.
On his face was still a smile. But his eyes were filled with fear.

Nyx looked uneasy. "Brother.." She whispered. "You idiot."

Tartaurus was standing very still. Like nothing changed, like nothing happened.

I can hear someone call my name. But it all sounds far away. Like it came from behind a wall.

I was about 15 feet away from them.
I began to walk. Eyes trained on Erebos.

I summoned my swords without taking my eyes of him. Erebos looked nervous.

He grabbed his axe and charges yelling.


Within a second he was standing in front of me.
He had swung his axe and I blocked it without any problem.

He slowely looked up into my eyes.
Clearly he was shocked, he didn't even try to hide it.

I pushed his axe down.
Erebos slowly went down to the ground.

He moved quickly and tried to sweep my legs from under me.
But I was faster.

I brought him off balance and he fell.
With one hard kick on the side of his head he went down.

I looked up at Nyx and Tartaurus.
Tartaurus had his sword ready and he was standing in front of me before I could blink.

"I should have ended you in my realm." He grunts as he keeps slashing his sword.

"Too bad, now I will end you in my realm." I say mockingly as I block or sidestep his attacks.

He grunts out of anger and frustration.
He hasn't even landed one blow.

I start to counter attack.
He seems to have trouble keeping up.

Then I hear screams behind me.
People yelling my name.

I turn around just in time for me to see Nyx with a dagger in her hands.
She attacks me and I act fast. But not fast enough.

I feel my side burning.
There is blood on my hands.

She grunts and starts attacking me with her swords. As she is not pleased to see that she missed.

Tartaurus was starting to attack again.
Now I have to fight two deities at once.

The poison is not helping.
At all.

I start losing control over my movements.

Tartaurus has his sword ready to stab me.
I wanted to block it with Riptide.

But my feet were frozen and my hands lost grip on Riptide. It feel out of my hands.

Tartaurus stopped right before he would pierce my skin. There was a grinn on his face.

Erebos was slowely getting up.

"You two had a plan?" He asks his siblings.

"If you would have waited one more second you could have helped instead of just attacking." Tartaurus says grumpy.

"Percy!" Annabeth yells from the crowd.

With effort I am able to move my head to the crowd.
Luke and Frank hold her back.

"Ah, young love.. so fragile and innocent." Nyx says smiling.

Nyx disappeared into the shadow.
Only to reappear next to my friends.
Next to Annabeth.

My breathing was fast and I tried to fight the poison running through me.

I needed to help.
I needed to do something.
I couldn't lose them too.

When I close my eyes I find something inside.
There is a new force of energy.

I keep my eyes closed and focus on my body.
On the blood running trough my veins.
The poison itself.

As I open my eyes again I make a long movement with my hands and pull out the poison through the wound.

Nyx looks at me with rage and anger.

Tartaurus and Erebos try to attack me since I have control over my own body. Again.

But I dodged the attacks, and with small movements of my arm and hands I split the poison in three.
The poison is floating through the air right into their mouths.

"You really think this will stop us?" Erebos yelled.

"No. But it will hurt like Hades and slow you down." I say.


I turn around to where the whisper came from.
Nyx was standing with my friends.

Their eyes.

"Nyx... let them go!" I scream. "Let them go. Right now!"

"Get the poison out of me!" She yells.

I look at her.
How can I even trust her after everything she has done.

"Let them go. Then I'll do it." I say.

"No.. I have a better idea." She whispers.

"Don't.." I whisper.

"Attack him! Kill him!" Nyx yells pointing at me.
Every demigod looks at me like killer machines.

Then they charge.
My friends on the front lines.

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