19. Broken promise

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I looked into her eyes.
One false move and she could kill me.
I sat very still.

"Wise Girl.." I whispered. "I know you can hear me. I know you can't control your actions. I know your mind is screaming right now when your mouth won't let out the words."

Percy was in the exact same position when Nyx took over in his mother's apartment.
He got the order to kill Annabeth.
He had chased her down. He tried to slow himself down and take as much control he could.

"I love you Annabeth. It is okay. Whatever happens okay? It's going to be okay. I love you." Percy says before closing his eyes.

I had to hurry if I wanted to have a chance in making it out alive. I focused on my surroundings. The water that is in the lake, in the grass under my feet, in the air even. I focus on the ground. Where all the demigods and my friends are standing.

Then I strart focusing on every single person around me. A tear rolls down my face and I can feel something inside me break. Something that can't be fixed.

"I am so sorry wise girl. But I have no other choise. I know I prommised.. but I don't have another choise." I whisper. Then I clench my fists.

"What are you doing ?" Nyx asks confused.
I don't respond to her. "What are you doing !" She yells. "Stop it ! What is happening ?!"

I slowely open my eyes and see Annabeth standing frozen. Just like everyone else. All their weapons are on the ground.

I slowly move my hand and they all sit on the ground and start to lay down gently.

"Let them go!" Nyx screams while throwing a little tantrum. "Let them go now !"

I didn't want to look around. I don't want to see my friends like this. But my eyes glanced over and I saw all the demigods and my soldiers frozen.
Expressions  troubled and some even pained.

I immediately felt my heart ache. But I know that this was the only way.
I close my eyes as I concentrate on their blood.
Slowely they are all on the ground. Unconscious.

"No!" Nyx yells looking frantically around.

I opened my eyes and looked straight into the eyes of Nyx. They were filled with rage.
But she isn't the only one who is furious.

I noticed Tartaurus and Erebos weren't standing behind her anymore. At that moment I felt their swords poking in my back.

"Can we torture him now sis ?" Erebos asks grinning.

"Gladly." She answered with gritted teeth.

"You can try." I say monotone. I close my eyes and summon the same strength I felt when I first fought Nyx. This time it came easier.

When I opened my eyes I saw Nyx look at me with fear and anger. I felt powerful and ready.
All the tiredness was pushed aside and made room for all the rage, grief and overwhelming power.

I called upon the water in the lake and made a hurricane around me and the three deities.
This way they can't reach the unconscious demigods and soldiers.

"I am not scared of you!" Erebos yelled.

I turned around quickly.
"You. You especially should be scared of me. You killed my mother !" I yell with rage.

"And I'd do it again!" He screamed raising his sword.
I held out my hand and Erebos yelled.
His arm was twisted into a weird angle.

"You do know you can't kill us right ?" Tartaurus says like a teacher who is telling a riddle to a student, even though he himself doesn't know the answer.

"Trust me. I will find a way." I tell him.
He raised his eyebrow and looked more intreged than scared.

I summoned my swords.
The water was raging around us like a mini arena.
They will not touch or hurt my friends. Ever again.

"Let's put an end to this madness." Erebos yelled and charged.

"Gladly." Our swords collided. He was blasted backwards while I remained standing.

He was laying on the ground.
Tartaurus was just standing there and looked at what was happening. He didn't really seem into the battle.

I walked towards him. I raised my sword and at the last moment Erebos turned and I missed him.

But I was faster than he anticipated and we were dueling one on one with incredible speed.

After a couple minutes I unarmed him and he was standing there without weapon. He yelled and dove for his sword.
But when he was midair I kicked him and he fell.

He looked up and I pointed with my sword at the place his heart was supposed to be.

"You can't kill me." He grunts.

"Unfortunately for you.. I can't." Was all I say.
He looked at me confused and I closed my eyes.
I heard a yelp and then silence.

I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Where is he? What did you do!" Nyx asked confused.

"He summoned the void.. didn't you?" Tartaurus says.
I look at him. "You are smarter than I thought." Was all he said.

I shrugged. "I get that a lot."

Nyx screamed. "Impossible!"

"Nyx.. even though I always love helping you out. I have things to do in my realm. I did not want to leave in the first place... I think I am done here. " Tartaurus says fixing his armour.

"What! You are abandoning me ?" She screams.

"You were looking for power and prommised me to rule with you. But I already have these things."
He says shrugging.

"No! You cannot do this! I will never forgive you." Nyx says.

"Gladly. I am so done with all those tantrums and yelling. You have gone mad since you started this. Jackson has finnaly pushed you over the edge." He says.

"It's a specialty." I say.

"Well... goodbye." Tartaurus says turning around.
But instead of leaving for the underworld there was a portal waiting for him.

"Oops. I should watch where I open those." I say smiling. I turn around and look at Nyx.

She looks like she is out of control and gone mad.
The shadow around her is bigger and there is something about her... I can't quite explain.

"I am going to end you Jackson." She screams.

"Sure you do." I smile.

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