11. Come back

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Annabeth's point of view:

Percy turns around and starts walking away.
He had made a portal for the army of monsters to leave. He was about 20 meter away from me now.

My lips are parted, my heart beating fast and eyes wide open to make sure that what I just saw was real.
My body was trembling from shock and frustration.
I take a few steps towards him, ignoring my friends calling my name.

"Percy!" I scream hoarsly. "Percy! Listen to me."

Percy didn't listen.
He keeps walking. But I can see his muscles tense. Perhaps he is there. Maybe, just maybe he is still fighting for control. I just needed to get to him.

"Percy! It's about your mom!" I yell. "They have her still." I wasn't sure about what I had just said. But I have a feeling that it's the truth. And right now Percy was standing still. Exactly what I needed.

"Percy. Think about it. Your mom would never react the way she did when you came back home." I say hoping he'd remember.

"Nyx kidnapped your mother. She used your mom to get to you. Why would she just let her go? She needed leverage. I don't think that Sally is home. I think they still have her." I say getting closer to him.

"Percy, please come back to me." I whisper with tears in my eyes. "I need you to come back home to me."
Tears fall down.

Percy stands still a couple feet in front of me.
His back to me. I can see him looking at the ground. His fists are clenched at his side.

He takes a step. It seemed forced.
And another, and again. He kept walking until he was at the portal. He glanced back and stepped through.

I feel my knees giving in.
I fall on the grass and try to hold onto myself as my body starts shaking. Teardrops fall on the ground.

I feel hands on my back. But I don't bother to look up to see who it is. I let myself breaking down. Not caring that the people of New Rome are gathering around us.
Ignoring all the orders given to the people by Reyna and Frank.

"What now?" Leo asks after a couple minutes.

I sit up.
My mind completely blank and body numb.

"We go back to camp.. Percy said we had 48 hours. Which means we need to prepare for battle. And looking at the army and destruction here. We need every second of it." Luke says.

"We'll come along. Reyna will stay here to take care of the damage and wounded." Frank says.

"If you open a portal in 2 days I will come along with some Romans to fight in the battle." Reyna says standing next to frank. Her hair is messed up and clothes torn.

"Thank you." Luke says. "Come on let's go back."
I can feel his hands lift me up my feet.

He and the others are talking and making plans.
I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice the portal appearing next to me.

We stepped through and arrived back at camp.
I went straight for the forest. I needed some time alone. Away from everything.

After a couple minutes I arrived at a small place Percy and I used to go to. It's a nice secluded spot to escape reality. I sat down and closed my eyes.

I still couldn't believe that Nyx had so much power over him. Percy would never do these things.
I just hope we can get him back.

I must have dozed off.
When I opened my eyes again it was nearly night.
I looked around and felt something off. I took my dagger out and looked around.

There was a leave crumbling behind a tree.
When I looked closer I noticed someone standing there in the shadows.

"Percy?" I ask with a trembling voice. "Percy, is that you?" I ask trying to sound less scared.

The person stepped away from the tree.
His raven black hair was a mess, there were dark circles under his sea colored eyes.
There was no smile on his lips.

"My mom, where is she?" He asked hoarsly but still monotone. Like he was woken up in the middle of the night.

"Sally?" I ask a little perplexed. "I am not sure."

"You said they still had her. I went to her apartment. She wasn't there. Where is she?" He asked in a dangerous voice.

"I.. I don't know. I think Nyx still has her. In case her mind control doesn't work anymore." I tell him.

He didn't respond for a couple seconds.

"Percy? Are you-" I was about to ask him something but I got interrupted by Bianca.

"Annabeth? Annabeth where are you?" Bianca called.

I looked at the direction of the voice.
But when I looked back at Percy he was gone.
I look around to see if he was still around. But he's gone.

"Annabeth, there you are!" Bianca said relieved as she put her hand on my shoulder.
I turned arond and she looked me in my eyes.
"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Percy.. he was just here." I say softly and still confused.

"Percy? Are you sure Annabeth?" Bianca asked looking around. "You weren't dreaming?"

"No.. at least.. I don't think so. He asked me where Sally was." I explain.

"Let's get back to the others. They were scared you'd do something stupid. And we need your advice on a plan for battle." Bianca says after a while. She was guiding me back to camp.

We kept walking and we headed for the big house.

"Annabeth?" A Hermes Girl came walking up to me.

"Hi Sophia." I say forcing a small smile.

"There was just an alert. Percy was at Sally's apartment. He seemed to be searching for something. But then he just started to grab his head and he sat still on the ground. Then he left." She said.

"What? How do you know?" I ask her.

"Leo made special surveillance cameras. We have the video if you want to see it." Sophia suggested.

"You were right.." Bianca said. "Percy came here. He came back to you."

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