13. Sundown

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Annabeth's point of view:

As soon as we saw Silena walk through the portal with the other soldiers, it felt like a weight was lifted of my shoulders.

We greeted her and the other soldiers with a lot of cheering and clapping.

Chaos looked proud of Silena and Charlie.
He makes sure that the cabins were ready for the soldiers.

Chaos looks worn out and tired. He has been searching for Percy non stop.
Percy is like a son for him.

Poseidon has also been searching. But also without any luck.

Ever since Percy was here at camp I can't stop worrying.

What if Nyx finds out?
What if he breaks free from the mind control but can't escape them?
Did he ask Nyx about it?

"Annabeth, are you okay?" Nico is standing next to me.

I look at him with a little smile.
"Hey Nico." I sigh. "Just thinking.."

"Yeah.. I heard what happened from Bianca." Nico admitted.

"That's okay.. I just hope that he is safe. What if they find out he came here ? And Sally.. is she even alive?" I ask looking at Nico.

"She is. I checked it right after. I asked my father to keep an eye out for her." Nico assures me.

"Thank you. How are you feeling ? You were hurt pretty bad." I ask him.

"I'll pull through. I just hope that I'll be able to fight when the time comes." He says.

"I know you want to help. But you need to look after yourself. You need to rest." I tell him.

"I know. I have doctor orders." Nico says with a little smile. "I have to check on him anyways."

Nico walks off to the infirmary.
I sigh and turn around.

I have a uneasy feeling. A feeling that tells me to get some rest. That something is comming.

I walk to the lake to get my mind straight.

I need some time to think about stuff.
When I sit down I look at the water.

Luke and I have been working with others to come up with a couple battle strategies and tactics.
A group of Romans have also arived at camp to fight.
Thalia and the hunters showed up right before Silena and Beckendorf.
Tyson arived as well. It took some time to calm him down after hearing what happened to his big brother.
The campers have also been working really hard. Training, making weapons and armour, putting up defenses.

But the fear of Percy is high.
The demigods have always known Percy was powerful. Especially after he returned as Commander and defeated the Giants all alone.
But he was always on our side. Now he is the one attacking us.

Also, nobody knows what happened in Tataurus all those years ago. They have no idea that Percy has been holding back all those years.

I look at the sky. Clouds are grey and looking dark and like it is going to storm.

There is something in the sky. It's comming closer.
I get up and grab hold of my dagger.

But then I see that it is Blackjack.
Did he leave?
He is flying really fast. He is comming right at me.

A couple seconds later the black pegasus is standing next to me. He seems to be anxious.

"Blackjack, what's wrong?" I say knowing I can't speak to them. I just hope he can show me or do something to make me understand.

Blackjack keeps shifting on his hooves.
Then I noticed a small piece of paper in between his manes. I take it out with shaking hands.


That's all it said.
I keep staring at it. My hands shaking and my breath shallow. I look at Blackjack who was looking at me.
"Percy wrote this?" I ask him.

Blackjack moves his head in a nodd.
I breathe out and look at the paper.
Sundown. That is in 3 hours or so.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask Blackjack.

He makes a noice that sounds a little offended.
"Just making sure. Percy is not himself." I say to him.
"I have to tell the others. Thank you." I say before turning around and running to Luke and the rest of the team.

"Guys, we need to get ready!" I say a little out of breath. They look at me confused.

"What happened?" Leo asks.

I give him the paper.
His expression was unreadable. He passed it to the others. "We only have about 2 or 3 hours before sundown." He says.

"I know. Blackjack just came back and he had this with him. Percy must have called him and wanted to warn us or something." I tell them.

"We do not know that.." Zoë says. "Look, I want to believe that Percy wrote that on his own account and wanted to warn us. But we can not let our guard down."

"I know.." I say looking down at my feet. I know she is right. But I want it to be true so bad. "But we need to tell Chiron and the others. We need to make sure everything is ready."

"You are right. Annabeth, you get Thalia, Frank, Chiron and the head counselors. Tell them we have a meeting right away.." Luke says.

I nod and he looks at the others.
"You guys need to help them. I'll get the army in position and make sure everything is going smoothly."

We all agree and head out.
Luke holds my wrist right before I wanted to leave.

"Annabeth." He says looking serious. "Promise me to be careful. Especially when he is there. I don't want you to get hurt. And I don't want him to hurt you. He'll never forgive himself. So please. Be careful out there."

"I will. But I will also do everything I can to get him back." I say looking in his golden eyes.

He looks tired and drained.
"Promise me you'll be careful as well. Try to get some rest. You look tired." I say to him.

He closes his eyes and nods.
"Let's go. We have work to do." He says.

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