12. Determination

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Selina's point of view:

My mind takes me back to the time before all the crazy things started happening.

Percy was still with us,
The army wasn't falling apart,
Camp and all the halfbloods weren't in danger. Well more danger than usual.

Things were normal.. kind of.

A couple minutes ago we recieved an Iris message from Luke. He told us about camp Jupiter and Percy..
It was quiet for a moment.

I feel a familiar hand taking hold of mine.
A hand rough and strong from working in the forge.
Scarred from all the battles and wars.
But to me they are always gentle and caring.

I open my eyes and look into Charlies brown eyes.
They are filled with concern.

I smile at him.
"It will be okay.. somehow, it will be okay." I say trying to reassure myself and him that it's true.

"I know, I just... I miss Perce. I don't care about fighting another war. I do care that I have to fight against my best friend.." Charlie says looking at the floor.

"I know babe, but we need to believe that he will come back to us. I mean, Annabeth stopped him from killing Luke. She got through to him about his mom. Who knows, maybe Percy is closer than we think."

"He attacked camp Jupiter, he hurted his friends. Percy could never. He'd die before any of his friends would get hurt because of him." Charlie said looking hopeless.

"No. That was not Percy. That was Nyx. Come on Charlie. We need to focus on our task. We need to get the army back together." I tell him. I am done feeling useless. I stand up and offer him my hand.

"Yeah.. you're right. Let's go." He says taking my hand.

For the last two days we have been working very hard to get trough to everyone. Without any luck.
Well.. I have found some new hope and determination.

They will come with us.

I walk to Chaos's office.
There is a handle in case there is an emergency.
I pull it down and smile as the sirens go off.

When I look at Charlie he seems confused but he is smiling. Probably because I look like a maniac, a pretty one that is.

"Let's go." He says still holding my hand.

We go to the Hall where confused but alert soldiers are gathering.
Charlie and I wait for the sirens to stop and everyone is inside before we make our dramatic entrance.

We open the big doors and look straight forwards.
Our faces serious and determined.

We make our way to the front and on the small stage.

"What's happening, what is the emergency?" A soldier from the crowd asks.
Others start to ask questions as well.
Before I knew it everyone was talking and yelling.

"Everyone, shut up!" I say loudly. My voice echoed through the Hall. I didn't use charmspeak. But I can make everyone listen to my voice if I want.

Thr crowd quiets down.
I take a deep breath.

"I have a question for all of you... Who are you?" I ask them.

They look at me with confused looks.
"What do you mean?" Someone asks.

"Exactly what I said. Who are you?" I repeat.

"Max." The same soldier answers with hesitation.

"Really ?" I ask him.

"I'm pretty sure." Max says. Some people chuckle.

"Hmm.." I say. "Well Max, what are you doing here?"

"Silena, what are you talking about. You probably pulled the emergency handle. You should be telling us what that's about." Max answers.

"That is not an answer to my question." I say. I looked away from max and started to look others in their eyes.

"Nobody?" I ask when everyone keeps their mouths shut. "Charlie, who are you?" I ask him. I really hope he knows what I'm doing. Otherwise it would be really awkward.

"I'm Charlie Beckendorf, soldier of Chaos. I am willing to do everything for the army. For my friends. Never backing down when others need me. Never, ever turning my back to my team. Never scared to do the right thing. That's who I am. A soldier." He answered. I smiled proudly at him.

"Let me ask you all again. Who are you?" I say again.

"I am a soldier." Max said after a couple seconds.

"You are. As are all of you. You all are part of an elite group of people. A group that has never turned their backs to others. You have never given up. No matter how hard the battle. How hopeless the odds were. You always found your way to victory. You are soldiers." I say looking at the 800 people in the Hall.
"And right now, there are people, demigods in danger. They need our help. They need your help. Are you going to turn your back to them? Or do you reach out your hand to help them?"

I take a couple seconds to let that sink in.

"You are right.. we were selfish and scared." Someone says. "It's just Percy.. we don't want to fight him."

"Believe me, nobody wants that. But Percy is not your concern. It's ours. We'll do anything to get him back. But your task would be to protect camp and the demigods. Percy will come back to us." I say.

It was quiet in the Hall.

"When do we leave?" A soldier asks. I look at her with a smile.

"We leave in 10. So get your stuff and gather back here. We'll take care of a portal. Dismissed." Charlie said. The soldiers salute us and turn around to gather their things.

I turn around with a smile.

"We did it!" I say happily.

"You, you did it!" He says hugging me. I embrace him tightly.

I look up and kiss him.
Putting our soft lips together in a sweet light kiss.

I take a step back and he smirked at me. I laugh and turn around and contacted Chaos for a portal.

Ten minutes later everyone was standing in uniform with their stuff. A portal appeared.

Charlie took my hand and leaded me to walk through first. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and jogged to the back. The soldiers  got in position and I started walking.

I got through the portal and we arrived back in camp Half-blood. Leading an army of skilled warriors. 
I smiled.

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