20. Poisonous

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Nyx spread her arms wide and I could feel something change in the air. With a scream of pure rage she clapped her hands.

With an incredible surge of power I was blasted backwards. The hurricane was vaporized and the water landed on the ground. Making the grass more slippery and muddy.

I looked behind me and noticed that my friends were starting to wake. In these couple of seconds I was caught of guard, Nyx threw me over and I landed against a tree with a sickening crack.

I looked up and saw that Nyx noticed everyone waking up. Panick floods through my body.
I need to get everyone out of her reach.

I get up and sprint with full speed against Nyx.
I need to keep her busy so she doesn't have the time to take over their minds again.

"You can't beat me. I am not like my brothers." Nyx screamed.

"No. You are even more reckless and stupid." I tell her. "Even though Erebos is close."

She screamed and took out two poisonous blades.
She advanced and before I knew we were dueling.
She managed to give me small cuts. They hurted a lot.

I was sore and tired. I don't think I could summon another void. But I needed to beat her. It's just her now.

I didn't realize that when Erebos and Tartaurus entered the void it would take so much energy and strength. I could feel it slowely leaving my body.
And the poison from her blades weren't helping.
At all.

"Getting tired Commander?" She says mockingly.

"Just tired of hearing your annoying voice." I say a litte out of breath.

She attacked and I was too late with my defense.
She cut me in my side and arm. The poisonous blades burned and I felt dizzy.
I lost my balance and fell on the ground.
I am on the ground defenseless against her. My entire body is shaking.

"Hurts, doesn't it."Nyx asks. "I made the poison myself. It isn't lethal. Yet. But it will hurt and only get worse." She says smiling. She kicks me hard in my stomach.

All the air gets sucked out of my lungs.
I managed to turn around and lay on my stomach. I wanted to crawl away. To get my sword. That way I have a little bit of defense. Not that I would be able to lift it. But it came me a goal. Instead of just laying down here for her to kick me.

I started crawling. Nyx laughed.
"Poor Jackson. So defenseless and pathetic."
She kicked me again.

By now my entire body was burning and hurting to the point where I was just paralyzed.
I looked at the sky. The new day was starting and the stars were fading. It was beautiful.
That was the moment I realized that I was going to die.

I was going to die and Nyx was still here and undefeated. I just hoped that my friends would have enough strength and willpower to resist her mindcontrol and stop her.

I turned my head and saw my friends on the ground. They were slowly waking up.
From here out of all the demigods and soldiers I had no trouble in finding her.

Blonde curls, all dirty with mud.
She was opening her grey eyes. She was waking up.
Looking around confused and noticing how everyone was on the ground and slowely waking up.

Piper and Frank next to her were sitting up. Also confused and they hurried to their friends.
Annabeth just looked around. Probably wondering where I was.

"I failed you wise girl. I am so sorry." I whisper.

"You are pathetic." Nyx said and put the sword against my heart.

"I did everything I could. But it wasn't enough."
It was as if she heard me talking because her eyes looked straight into mine.

For a couple seconds she was fronzen. But she quickly got up. My friends noticed and looked at her. Then they seemed to notice what she was looking at.
They also got up.

"I think that after I have killed you, I will take over your friends, your team, your army and finish my plans. I will destroy Olympus. I sure hope your father is watching." Nyx says.

"They will stop you Nyx. You are not strong enough." I whisper. "My friends, they won't let you."

Nyx laughed. "Even you couldn't stop me. What are they going to do."

"You are underestimating them. They are the strongest demigods I have ever known. They will find a way."

"Percy!" I didn't notice that Annabeth and my friends were running towards me among some soldiers that were awake.

I wanted to say something but Nyx put her bare foot on my throat. And cut off my oxygen. She still had her sword pointed at my heart.

Even though the poison was causing a lot of pain. The cuts in my arm and side were pretty deep and I was loosing a lot of blood.
The lack of oxygen was hurting my lungs and I started to feel panicked.

Everyone stopt running. Scared that she might kill me if they kept running.

"Let him go!" Annabeth yelled. She didn't stop.

"Annabeth... stop." Was all I could bring out.

She didn't listen. She kept sprinting and tackled Nyx.
I got oxygen and my lungs filled with air again.

Annabeth got up and rushed to my side.
"Foolish girl!" Nyx bellowed. "How dare you!" Nyx raised her sword and brought it down.

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