6. Orders

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Annabeth's point of view:

We all have been working so hard the past 3 days.
Preparing the campers, making battle plans, getting intell on our enemies, making weapons and armor.

But I can't seem to shake the feeling that it won't matter. That they are too powerfull. Especially without Percy to guide us.

I think back to when he first arrived at camp.
He was struggling and trying to figure out who he was and wanted to be.

Who would have thought that he would be the man I love with everything I am.
Who would have thought he could become the hero and man he is today.

Still. He will always be my seaweed brain.

I feel someone standing next to me.
"You are thinking about him, aren't you?" Zoë asks. I look at her.

"You know, Percy has changed my life. But not only mine. I think he touches everything and everyone he meets." She says looking over at the campers going to dinner.

"He has a light he carries around in his heart. Whatever Nyx is doing to him. Light will always defeat the dark. We just need to have faith that the light will guide his way back to us. To you."

I look at her barely holding back the tears. "Thank you Zoë." I say softly. She pulls me into a hug.

"In the mean time.. Shall we find our way to the dining table?"

I smile and nod. "Let's go."

Everyone is sitting down to eat after a day of working hard. The air felt heavy.
The laughter that was usually heard from the other side of camp was now barely a whisper.

I sit down at the table with my team and friends. We are eating and talking quietly with each other.

It is like without Percy, nobody feels like themselves anymore.
Or maybe it's the knowledge of the fact that one of our friends is with the enemy. Being controlled by them. And we are here, together.

It's so weird that one person can make so much difference in a group.
But it's true.

Just as I was about to take another bite of my food there was a very cold chill.
People stopped talking and looked around.

It seemed to be so much darker than it was just a second ago. Then I realize that the campfire had burned out completely. The smoke was all that's left.

Something is wrong. Everyone can feel it.
My theory is confirmed when I see the look on the face of Chaos.

It must be her..

There is a laugh. It's all around us.
I try to find it's source. But it seems to come from everywhere and nowhere.

"You'll know I will win.. you don't need to get hurt. Just surrender and I will go easy on everyone." A woman's voice says clearly enjoying herself.

"You know we'll never surrender Nyx." I say looking around.

Nyx sighs "I didn't expect you to. Anyways." Nyx goes on. "Last time I made a mistake. I underestimated you all, I will not do that again. But it won't matter. This time you won't stand a chance. Now that I finally have my new little toy. I can't wait to see what he is capable of." She says with glee.

"Percy.." I whisper.

"Show yourself Nyx! Let him go!" Chaos says furious at the mention of Percy.

"Ah father, you are not mar that I took your favorite play toy now are you?" She laughs. "But don't worry, I will take good care of him. I see why you took interest in this one. He is so cute." She laughs. "You'll see him again soon." I can feel my blood starting to boil. She laughs and the chill disappeared.

"Is she gone?" Beckendorf asks. Chaos nods.

"We need to go after her!" Someone from the Ares cabin yells. For a second I agree. But I know it won't matter. She is long gone.

"No. It won't matter.. She travels by shadows. We could never keep up." Nico answers.

Chiron walks over to our table.

Selina holds my hand. I feel myself relax and sit down next to her. "We'll get him back." She whispers. I can feel her using a little charm speak. And I let her.
I need to believe that we will.

I close my eyes.
"She said we would seen him sooner than we think." I say to the others.

Leo sits back down after using his fire to light up the campfire again. "Right.. so we need to be ready." He says. "He'll probably be leading an entire army."

"Chaos, do you think she'll attack during the night or day?" I ask. We need a strategy.

He looks lost in thought. Hand on his chin. The fire makes his dark skin seem even more unreal. I have always found it interesting to look at him. Especially his eyes. Right now they seem sharp with anger.

"I'm not sure. But I noticed how she seemed way to confident about herself. We know she is working with Tartarus. I don't think Gaea is ready to fight again, Eros and Chronos never felt the need to get involved with Nyx and her problems. But I fear Erebos is working with them." Chaos says.

"Erebos, God of darkness right?" I ask him. He nods.

"I fear they work together." He says. "Their powers look similar. But Erebos.. He will do anything to win a battle. Nyx knows when to retreat, and Erebos is more likely to kill first and ask questions never." Chaos looks tired.

"You mean he is worse that Nyx? What about Tartarus?" Jason asks.

"Tartarus is strong and his enemies are often terrified at the sight of him. But he as well uses his mind. Erebos uses force and his army to get what he wants. No matter what. He is the most dangerous."

"You should get a father of the year award." Leo mumbles.

I glance at him but Chaos just laughs.
"Knowing them they will attack within the next 48 to 72 hours." He says.

"You are in charge Luke. Tell us our orders and we'll be on our way." Bianca says with an encouraging smile

"We need to inform the gods as well." Luke says. "Has anyone told Poseidon about Percy?"

"Not yet.. I tried, but I just couldn't." I say. I can't help but feeling a bit ashamed.

"It's okay. Annabeth, Leo, Bianca, Zoë and I will go to Olympus, we'll inform the gods. Beckendorf and Selina, go to the rest of the army and inform them about the situation. I want them to be here first light tomorrow." Luke says. They nod at their orders.
"Nico, Jason and Piper. Can you go and get Frank and Hazel. And make sure Camp Jupiter is ready and send us some reinforcements if possible. Try to contact Thalia and the hunters. We could use their help. Set up patrols and inform any of us when something happens. Chiron could you please keep an eye out here? Everyone is very tense. That's never a good sign, especially before a battle."

Chiron nods and smiles. "Of course my boy."

Luke finished and I couldn't help but be proud of him. We all look at him with our orders in mind.

"Alright. We meet back here as soon as you are done with your tasks. Chaos, could you please make portals to our destinations? Time is everything now." Luke asks.

Chaos smiles and leads us to an open space.

"Goodluck everyone." Chaos says as we all step through our portals.

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