18. Words can hurt

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My own friends are running towards me.
Weapons aimed at my head.

I look into their eyes and know what they are going through. It isn't pretty.
Feeling all the rage and out of control.
Not knowing what you are doing and not being able to stop or change anything.

I vaguely remember everything I had to do when I was under her control. It still haunts me.
Luckily I was able to break free.
But it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

My mind races through all my options.

I look at Nyx. She is grinning.
Tartaurus and Erebos are standing next to her.

Annabeth and Luke are first to stand in front of me.
They start attacking me with their swords.
I was tired and sore. I tried but couldn't always block every attack. Luke disarmed me and Annabeth and Luke had me cornered. As far as that's possible in a open field.

Frank has turned into a lion. Which is very bad.
He was circling around me waiting for a opportunity to attack his pray. Which was me.

The demigods start to block all my exits.
They are making a circle around me.
Spears, swords all pointing at me so I have no way out.

I look around. Out of breath, tired and panicking.
I don't want to hurt them.
They are my friends.

Frank, who was still a lion came at me with high speed and pinned me down on the ground.

His claws burries in my shoulders.
Teeth bare right above my throat.

He roars and takes a step aside.
Making place for Nico who had summoned four undead who were holding me on my knees. Nico punched me in me stomach and then my throat.
Knocking all the air out of my lungs.

Hazel was controling her sword made of a special material that she can control. She made it fly right in front of my heart. Slightly pinching my chest.

Leo was stepping forward with his hands ablaze.
For a kid who never looked scary and always fooled around he looked intimidating. It was scary to see him like this.

It made me wonder how I had looked using my power under her control.
I felt a pang of guilt in my chest.
Or it could have been the sword. I wasn't sure.
But I do feel guilty.

Jason walked up to me and with a swift movement of his wrist Jason took the air out of my lungs.
I started panicking and gasped frantically for air.
Which resuted in more injuries from the sword and the undead pinning me down.

Luckily Jason let go of his grip so I could breathe again. I was breathing heavily and closed my eyes trying to calm down.

I take a deep breath. I need to calm down and come up with some kind of plan.

My friends step forwards, my team, the seven.
Annabeth. She is standing in the middle.

"You have failed." She says with absolutely no emotion. "You are a worthless commander, leader, friend and boyfriend." She spitts out the last word.

I know it isn't her.
But it hurts.

"You were supposed to protect us." Piper took over.

"You almost killed me." Nico says looking at me.

"You took our home." Frank says holding Hazel close.

"You caused our deaths." Selina, Luke, Bianca and Beckendorf say at the same time.

"You think I would have forgotten about that?" Beckendorf says. "You left me alone. You could have protected me. We were surrounded by your territory. You could have done something."

"You could have stopped me. You could have done it yourself. But you let me run into my death. You just ran away. There could have been another way." Bianca says.

"If you were a better leader you could have persuaded Clarise to join the war. Instead I had to do it. I died doing so." Selina said.

"You could have done something to help me. Death and violence is not always the answer Percy. You could have saved me if you wanted to. But you handed me a knife to kill myself." Luke says.

Tears fill my eyes.

"Do you have any idea how much better our lives would have been if you would have never come to camp. Our home." Annabeth says.

"Enough.." I whisper still having my eyes closed.

This is not them.
They are my friends and they don't mean it.
They are under her control.

"You hear that Percy?" Nyx says. "They wished that you never even existed." There was a huge smile on her face.

She knows that these words would hurt me more than fysical wounds ever could.

"Sometimes, I wish that too." I tell her.

"Great! Well, let me help you out of your misery." She says excitedly clapping in her hands.

Tartaurus grunts. And Erebos faceplams behind her.

"So no torture?" Erbos asks disappointed.

Nyx turns around. "No. I want this to be over with. So no. No torture." She scolds.

Erebos rolls his eyes. "Fine."

A part of me didn't even care that I was about to get killed. But then I looked up and saw my friends, my team, my army and the other demigods.

I was the only one out here that wasn't brainwashed.

If I died.. what would happen to them?
What would happen to the Gods? To Chaos?

I won't let that happen.

I look around.
There must be something that I could use or do.

Nyx was turning around. She was holding two short bur very sharp swords.
Her eyes were looking at me like I was made out of blue candy.

I closed my eyes and started focusing on my surroundings.

"Too scared to even look at me?" Nyx says.

"No.. I just don't want your face to be the last thing I see."

Erebos giggles behind Nyx.

"Let me fix that for you." She says sweetly after a couple seconds. "Girl. Come." She orders.

I open my eyes to see what was happening.
Instead of seeing Nyx standing in front of me ready to kill me it was her.

Annabeth had her dagger pointed at my throat.
Ready to kill me.

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