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Jungkook awoke to a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and began to smile.He looked up at his mate and softly hummed as he gently ran his fingers through his hair before he softly pecked his lips and tried to sit up but only whimpered aloud in pain causing his mate to quickly wake up and sit up and looked at his mate worried"Baby are you okay what's wrong!?!"Jungkook shyly smiled as seeing his mate worried about him made his heart melt"In okay babe,just a little sore from last night,sorry if I scared you~"Yoongi let out a sigh of relief before gently kissing his mates lips with a warm smile"Aw I'm sorry baby,it's okay baby you don't have to apologize~"Jungkook smiles and nodded"Okay,babe can you bring me breakfast please...it's gonna hurt to get up."He said shyly as he blushed.Yoongi smiled and kissed the youngers cheek and nodded"Alright I'll go bring you breakfast,I'll let you rest in bed for today until you feel like you can walk."Jungkook smiles and nodded"Okay thank you babe!~"Yoongi softly hummed in response as he got up and threw on some clothes"Hm your welcome~"He opened the door and walked downstairs only to be met by Hoseok and Taehyung cooking breakfast and Namjoon sitting at the table drinking coffee.Namjoon looked over at Yoongi and smiled"Good morning Yoongi!"Yoongi smiled and softly hummed in response"Morning Namjoon.Oh good morning Hoseok and good morning Taehyung."Both Hoseok and Taehyung turned towards Yoongi smiling"Morning Yoongi!"Yoongi sat dow next to Namjoon and smiled.Namjoon took another sip of his coffee before turning to Yoongi and smiled"So did you and Jungkook finally become mates?"Yoongi shyly smiled and nodded"Yeah we did...ah I had to help Jungkook with his heat last night."Namjoon chuckled"Thats good to hear!Oh me and Taehyung has to do the same with our mates I think we were a bit too rough on them tho since they can't really get up"Yoongi chuckled and softly smiled"Ah looks jungkook isn't the only one who couldn't get up huh."Namjoon chuckled and took another sip of his coffee.Hoseok and Taehyung both placed the breakfast on separate plates for everyone and smiled"Alright breakfast is ready!"Namjoon and Yoongi both got up and grabbed their plates and smiled"Thanks!"Once they all got their plates they all went their separate ways.Yoongi went to Jungkooks room with a soft smile and handed Jungkook his breakfast"Here you go baby~"Jungkook smiles and took his plate before gently kissing Yoongi's cheek"Thank you babe~"Yoongi smiles as he sat next to Jungkook and ate.Once they finished eating breakfast they cuddled for a while and put on a movie.Jungkook bunny smiled and nuzzled into Yoongi's chest as he watched the movie and let out a content sigh.Yoongi smiled and kissed Jungkooks forehead and ran his fingers through his hair.It was silent until Jungkook looked up at Yoongi and bit his lip slightly"Yoongi will you always stay by my side?"Yoongi looked at Jungkook a bit shocked by his sudden question but he gently nuzzled his neck and responded"Of course I'm gonna stay by your side Jungkook.Your my mate after all and I love you with all my heart so don't ever think I won't stay by your side okay."Jungkook nodded and smiled"Okay,I promise I won't ever think or ask you that ever again."Jungkook softly grunted as he nuzzled and nipped at Yoongi's neck and started to scent him which only made Yoongi hum in content and slightly blush.Yoongi scented Jungkook as well but he ended up biting his neck again instead of gently nipping it which made Jungkook softly mewl and moan softly.Yoongi pulled away and licked over the bite mark and smiled"I love you so much Jungkook~"Jungkook bunny smiled and softly hummed"I love you too Yoongi~"The two happily cuddled together and watched their movie but what they were totally unaware of was the life growing inside Jungkook and how that little bundle of joy would change their life's.

My Alpha-Yookook omega verse ff 18+Where stories live. Discover now