-Boy or Girl?-

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20 weeks had passed by and all three omega's went to get their ultrasounds done together since the alpha's all had to take care of some business but they had there beta come with them.During this ultra sound they were finally able to see their babies genders.The doctor offered to tell them but they wanted it to be a surprise so the doctor nodded.The omega's asked off the doctor can send the genders to a planner so they can have a gender reveal balloon but specially label it for which couple it was for that night.The nurse smiled and nodded and had their assistant immediately take the results and brought them to a planner after the three omega's and began have left.They arrived home and decided to set things up for a gender reveal party.Jin began making a few meals to eat and Hoseok helped Jungkook and Jimin clean.A few hours had passed buy and they got a call from the planner letting them know their balloons were ready to be picked up."I'll go pick up the balloons while you three get ready."Hoseok grabbed the car keys and put on his shoes.Jin and the others nodded"Alright thank you Hoseok!"Hoseok smiled"No problem!"He softly hummed as he made his way out of the house and to the car to go pick up the balloons.Jin cleared his throat and smiled"Alright lets go get ready!"Jungkook and Jimin both nodded before all three of them made their way upstairs to get ready.All three alpha's soon arrived and smiled excitedly as they saw that their omega's were preparing for their small gender reveal party.The alpha's went upstairs to their rooms and were greeted to their omega's getting ready.Yoongi smiled and back hugged Jungkook and kissed his cheek"Hey baby,are you excited to see what gender our pups are going to be?~"Jungkook giggled and smiled as he softly hummed in delight"Of course I am babe~"Yoongi smiled and pulled away and began getting ready while Jungkook finished styling his hair and putting on his jewlery.Meanwhile Hoseok has just arrived back with all three balloons.He placed them on the kitchen table and went upstairs to get ready as well.Once everyone was ready they all went downstairs and ate their meals.Once they were finished it was time to see what their babies genders were.The omega's all grabbed their ballons smiling.They decided to have Jin and Namjoon go first.Hoseok have Jin a pin and they all counted down from ten"Ten...nine...eight...seven...six...five...four...three...two...one!"Jin poped the balloon and the color was pink."Oh my god Joonie we're having a girl!!!"Jin said excitedly as tears of joy dropped down his cheeks while he was hugging Namjoon tightly.Namjoon smiled brightly showered Jin with kisses and began crying tears of joy as well"Ah I'm so happy!!"The others all smiled and cheered at the two before Jimin and Taehyung prepared to pop their balloon next.Jimin held the balloon while Taehyung grabbed the pin.They began to count down before they popped the baloon.Taehyung popped the balloon thinking the color was going to be blue but to their surprise it was pink as well.Jimin looked at Taehyung in surprise before smiling and practically tackling the alpha"Its a girl!!!!!"Taehyung smiled and picked Jimin up and spun him around before kissing him lovingly"I can't wait to meet our little princess!Im so excited Jiminie!~"Jungkook and Yoongi were next.Jungkook took a few deep breaths before they stood in front of the others getting ready to pop the balloon except this time Hoseok gave Jungkook a pin as well so the could both pop the balloon.They counted down once again and both Jungkook and Yoongi popped the balloon.Their color was..................................Pink and blue.Jungkook covered his mouth in shock before he began to cry tears of joy"Oh my god...were having a boy and a girl....I was right I knew it!!!"Yoongi smiled and showered his mate with kisses and wiped his tears"Baby I'm so happy!!!"After that everyone was all crying tears of joy and were embracing each other into tight hugs and congratulating each other.As the hours went by they were all talking about plans on how to decorate their nursery and trying to think of names.It had gotten pretty late so they cleaned everything up and went to their rooms and got ready for bed.Jungkook was sitting on their bed changing and gently rubbed his stomach and softly hummed"I can't believe we're having a boy and a girl babe."Yoongi smiled and rested his head on his lovers shoulder and placed his hand on his stomach"I know baby,I'm so happy and so proud to be a father to our two pups."He placed a soft gentle kiss on his omega's cheek before moving away so he can finish changing.Jungkook brightly smiled as he laid down and looked at his alpha"And I'm proud to be a mother to our pups~"Yoongi smiled lovingly at his omega and laid on the bed close to his mate"I can't wait to see our two little bundles of joy~"He placed his hand on his omega's stomach and softly rubbed it earning a soft giggle from his mate.Jungkook softly yawned and nuzzled into Yoongi and closed his eyes"I love you babe~"Yoongi smiled and gently kissed his forehead"I love you even more baby~"Jungkook smiles and began to doze off"Your going to be an amazing father."He said before he fell asleep.Yoongi brightly smiled as he felt his heart swell with pride"And your going to be an amazing mother."He held his omega close and slowly began to doze off.

My Alpha-Yookook omega verse ff 18+Where stories live. Discover now