-Baby Cries-

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The day passed by peacefully and everyone was gathered together in the kitchen happily eating dinner talking to one another trying not to be too loud so they don't disrupt the sleeping pups and wake them up.Once they all finished eating the all day in the living room and put on a movie to pass the time.Namjoon looked at the time and saw it was going to be midnight so he turned towards the others and cleared his throat"Everyone it's getting let's all go to bed okay,well goodnight everyone and sleep well."Everyone nodded and got up and said their goodnights before heading to their rooms and changing into their pajamas.Jungkook was sitting on the bed holding both pups in his arms for waiting Yoongi to finish changing"Babe can the pups sleep with us tonight...I don't want to leave them in the nursery just yet..."He spoke softly with a pout.Yoongi smiled and chuckled a little as he walked over to the bed and laid down"Sure baby they can sleep with us."Jungkook happily smiled"Yay~"He softly hummed aloud as laid down and gently placed the pups down between both him and his mate and gently caressed their cheeks with a loving smile.Yoongi proudly smiled as he watched his mate"Goodnight my love~"He said softly as he gently pecked his mates lips.Jungkook giggled softly smiled as he pecked him back"Goodnight~"He gently kissed both pups cheeks"Goodnight my little angels~"He spoke softly before covering them with the blanket and slowly began to fall asleep.Yoongi smiled and got comfortable as well before falling asleep.They family was sleeping peacefully until in the middle of the night he pups began to cry.Hearing the pups cries the omega began to whimper before quickly waking up and picking both pups up.He got up and walked back and fourth cradling the two in his arms"Shhh it's okay mommy's got you~"He cooed at them.The alpha soon woke up to see his mate cradling the two crying pups in his arms"What happened baby?"He spoke with a groggy voice.Jungkook looked at Yoongi once he heard his voice"I don't know they just started crying."Soon the two pups began to calm down in their mothers hold causing the omega to sign in relief.He sat back down on the bed and began to feed them as he rested his body against the head board.Yoongi sat up slightly and yawned as he looked at his mate sleepily.Jungkook gave a small smile and a soft hum to his mate"Go back to sleep babe I got this taken care of okay."Yoongi just nodded"Alright baby"He said groggily before gently kissing his mate earning soft whines from the two pups causing the omega to giggle a little"Aw sorry my little angels."Yoongi smiled and yawned once again before laying down and falling back asleep.Jungkook smiled and gently caressed the pups heads before turning to his mate and softly whispering"Goodnight my love~"Once the pups were full they began falling asleep.Jungkook placed them down on the bed and laid down.He gently wrapped his arm protectively around them as he began to fall asleep.Not one cry was heard again from the two pups as they peacefully slept throughout the rest of the night.

My Alpha-Yookook omega verse ff 18+Where stories live. Discover now