-Due date-

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As the months passed by the omega's new they were nearer and nearer to their due dates.Today the omega's and their alphas all went out for a nice lunch together.Everyone was happily talking to each other while eating for their food.Soon their food arrived and they all began eating.Once they all finished eating Namjoon paid for everyone.They all continued to talk with one another not knowing what was about to happen.As they were all speaking the omega's water broke,they all gripped their stomachs and whined aloud in pain before screaming aloud"The babies are coming!!!"All three alphas immediately looked at their mates and helped them up and quickly brought them to the car and drove off to the hospital quickly.Once they arrived the nurses brought the omega's to their rooms and had them change into their gowns and had them lay down on the beds and prepared everything.Their rooms were close by each other.Jungkook was standing near his bed once the nurses left taking in deep breaths whining while Yoongi was gently rubbing his back whispering sweet nothings to him before Jungkook laid down on the bed feeling sharp pains"Agh...babe It hurts!"Yoongi sat in the chair next to Jungkooks bed and held his hand"It's alright baby just squeeze my hand when it hurts to much."Jungkook weakly nodded and soon doctor and nurses came,the doctor positioned herself in front of Jungkook as the nurses awaited next to her"Alright Jungkook I'm going to need you to push okay"Jungkook whined and nodded"O-Okay..."The doctor put on her gloves and prepared herself"Alright Jungkook push."Jungkook took a deep breath and squeezed his mates hand tightly as he began to push with a loud cry.Yoongi winced as his mate squeezed his hand,the doctor glanced at Jungkook"Your doing great so far Jungkook now I need you to push again."Jungkook rested his head back and pushed once again and squeezed his mates hand tighter.The doctor began to see the babies head"Push!"The omega pushed again and again before hearing a baby cry.The doctor grabbed the baby and cut the umbilical cord before handing the baby to one told the nurses who wrapped the baby in a towel and left left the room to clean the baby up.Jungkook watched the nurse wrap his baby in towel and began to pant,Yoongi smiled as he heard the baby's cry and began to tear up a little.The doctor smiled behind her mask"You did a great job Jungkook!Now its time for us to see you little boy,alright I need you to push again for me"Jungkook nodded and pushed again and with another loud cry as tears began streaming down his cheeks,he continued this two more times until he got to the last push"Alright Jungkook one more push!"The doctor spoke.Jungkook squeezed his mates hand so tightly and heard a loud pop coming from his mates hand before he heard yet another cry.He heavily panted and shut his eyes as the doctor once again cut the umbilical cord and handed the baby to the nurse where she left to clean him up.The doctor cleaned the blood off of Jungkook before getting up and taking off her gloves"You did amazing Jungkook!"She praised.Yoongi gently kissed his mates forehead and smiled"I'm so proud of you baby!"He whined a little at the pain in his hand from his mate squeezing it so tightly but just tried his best to ignore it.The two nurses soon came back with both pups wrapped in their blankets and walked towards Jungkook and Yoongi"Congratulations you two~"The spoke softly as they handed the omega his pups.Jungkook held both pups in his arms and cradled them as he began to tear up"Hi my little angels~"Yoongi looked at both pups and began to tear up as well and gently kissed his mate"Hello my little prince and little princess~"He spoke softly as he admired the two pups.The doctor smiled at the two"Congratulations,now Jungkook I want you to get some rest alright.When you wake up you can tell me the names of both your pups okay but I also your going to need to breast feed them okay."She said softly.Jungkook nodded"Alright thanks you doctor."She smiles and bowed"Your welcome Jungkook,the nurses will bring incubators in here for both your pups now we will leave you two alone with your pups."She said before she and the nurses left the room.Jungkook smiled and softly hummed as he looked at his mate"I'm going to feed them okay~"Yoongi nodded"Alright~"He spoke softly as he began to massage his hand.Jungkook pulled down his shirt and held both babies close to his chest and covers them with the blanket as he begins to breast feed them.He pouted and whined as he watched his mate massage his hand"I'm sorry babe....I didn't mean to squeeze your hand so harshly..."Yoongi smiled"It's alright babe you don't have to apologize"Jungkook nodded"Okay."The nurses soon came back with the incubators and placed them by Jungkooks bed.One of the nurses examined Yoongi's hand and gave him some Ice and pain medication before they wrapped it up and left.The two babies soon finished drinking their moms milk which Jungkook soon pulled his shirt back up and pulled the blanket down and began to gently burp the two pups.The two pups burped and began to yawn signaling Jungkook that they were falling asleep"Babe do you wanna hold them?"Yoongi nodded and smiled excitedly "Yes~"Jungkook giggled softly and carefully handed the two pups to his mate.Yoongi smiled and cradled the two in his arms causing them to fall asleep.Jungkook smiled as he watched his mate lovingly before he began to yawn himself and slowly began to fall asleep.Yoongi looked at his two pups lovingly before glancing up at his mate and smiled brightly.He held the two pups for a little while longer before he placed them in their incubators and gently kissed his mates forehead"I love you so much Jungkook,you did amazing today I am so proud of you~"He softly said before he leaned back into his chair keeping watch over his mate and pups before later falling asleep.

*I hope you all enjoyed this chapter everyone!Know I wanted to ask you all for some name suggestions for all four babies.I will need a girl name for Jin and Namjoons baby,a girl name for Jimin and Taehyungs baby,and lastly a girl and boy name for Jungkook and Yoongi's baby's.Thank you all and I hope you keep enjoying this story!🖤❤️*

Thank you all and I hope you keep enjoying this story!🖤❤️*

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My Alpha-Yookook omega verse ff 18+Where stories live. Discover now