-Baby Names-

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The next morning Jungkook woke up to seeing his mate asleep which made him smile.He carefully tried to sit up but whimpered due to the pain.Yoongi immediately woke up and looked at his mate worried"Baby are you okay?!"Jungkook shyly smiled and nodded"Yes I'm fine babe just still really sore and in pain from yesterday that's all~"Yoongi sighed in relief"Alright...I'm sorry that your sore and still in pain baby.."Jungkook smiled"It's okay babe.Also can you call the doctor to our room please,I'm ready to give her the names of our pups."Yoongi nodded"Sure babe~"He got up and stretched for a moment before walking into the hallway and getting the doctors attention.The doctor walked I to the room holding her clipboard with a smile"Good morning Jungkook,you ready to tell me the names of your pups~"Jungkook smiled and nodded"Good morning to you too doctor,and yes I am"The doctor nodded and readied her pen"Alright go ahead and tell me their names please~"Jungkook nodded"Okay,for our little boy his name will be Minjun and for our beautiful little girl her name will be Yoonji~"The doctor wrote down their names on the papers and smiled"Those are beautiful names,alright I have their names and information filled out.You and your friends should be discharged later on today alright!~"Jungkook and Yoongi nodded"Alright thank you doctor~"The doctor bowed and smiled"Your welcome"She spoke before leaving the room.Yoongi sat next to Jungkook and showered him with kisses causing Jungkook to giggle"Ah babe that tickles!~"Yoongi smiled and softly hummed"Baby I'm really proud of you,you did amazing yesterday.I live you so much~"He praised.Jungkook smiled and blushed a little"Thank you babe,I love you even more~"He spoke softly before gently kissing his mate on the lips"Babe can you get me some breakfast please,I'm really hungry."He said shyly.Yoongi smiled and nodded"Of course baby,I'll be right back okay."He said as he got of the bed and began to leave the room.Jungkook smiled"Okay thank you babe!"Yoongi smiled"Your welcome~"He spoke before leaving the room and heading to the small cafe/cafeteria in the hospital.Jungkook smiled and turned towards the incubators and picked up his two pups and cradled then"Welcome to the world my little ones~"He spoke softly as he looked down at the two pups lovingly.Soon his mate cane back with food for the both of them.The omega gently placed the pups in their incubators before grabbing his food from his mate and begging to eat.He was excited to tell the others names of their pups and to also find out the names of the others pups as well.

~I know this was short but I hope you all enjoyed it,also I wanna give a quick shoutout to my dear SunshineHobi_1994 for giving me suggestions for all the baby names!🖤🖤🖤~

~I know this was short but I hope you all enjoyed it,also I wanna give a quick shoutout to my dear SunshineHobi_1994 for giving me suggestions for all the baby names!🖤🖤🖤~

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