Chapter One ➳ Nathan

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Hello everyone! This is my new book, hope you enjoy and can you all please read the author's note at the bottom? It's v important, thanks guys :).

Chapter One:

Nathan's Pov:

Logging onto my tumblr account I sighed, wondering why I had even bothered to make this account. I've only had this account for two weeks and I was now starting to regret it, it honestly was pointless as my main goal for the account had been ruined; the fans say worse things about the band than I do. After all, they all probably assumed that I was just another fan. 

That wasn't my aim at all, my aim was to create a hate account on tumblr for the up and coming band that I despise called 'The Wanted'. They were honestly so annoying and I was getting so sick and tired of my sister droning on and on about The Wanted and how 'good' they are when really they are all just a bunch of dicks, fame-hungry and deluded boys; it was obvious their career would flop as soon as they released their first album once everyone realised the truth about them. Tumblr was the only place that I could vent my frustration to about the stupid band. I had around six followers which, like I said before, their fans must have confused me for being a fan - which I wasn't and would never be, please kill me if I start to like their music because I don't want to be another of those idiots that feed into their bullshit. 

I rolled my eyes as I saw HQ pictures of two of the members - I'm guessing Max and Tom - leaving a radio station after promoting their soon-to-be debut album, did they actually think that they were going to get anywhere? As per usual I clicked on the text icon at the top of tumblr and began writing about how much those four boys got on my nerves. I never got a lot of reblogs or likes but I didn't mind, I just liked venting out my thoughts and watch their stupid fans react to what I say.

Who do they think they are? Honestly, do they think that they are going to get any where? I must admit that their song 'All Time Low' is decent but I highly doubt that their album will be any good, I won't be buying it of course but I don't need to, I know it will be shit anyway so there is no point in wasting my money on something as shitty as that. 

They probably have a lot of money now anyway due to their debut song going number one so why should they get more money, they don't deserve it. There are better singers than them, I mean are you having a laugh? How can anyone like them? 

I hope that after they release the new album they dissapear because If I hear the words: 'Praying won't do it' on the radio I am going to bat shit crazy and make sure myself that The Wanted dissapear for good.

And if you're going to whine at me then please don't bother, I am fed up of whiny twelve year olds thinking that they're bad because they used the word 'fuck'. To be honest I would rather you wouldn't bother, your arguments don't make any sense anyway and I don't want to waste my time trying to figure out what you are all saying, I have much more important things to do. 

Clickling post I made sure that I had tagged The Wanted in it so the fans of the band would see it. Almost immediately I received quite a few responses and let out a laugh at how enraged they all were. This was the highlight of my day - winding up pre-pubescent girls who thought that The Wanted actually cared for them. I knew bands like them and I could already tell that they were only going to use the fans until they got famous and started to earn lots of money and then they would forget all about their faithful fans. 

I was about to log out of tumblr when my sister came running into my room, tears streaming down her face.

"Nathan! Nathan!" Despite the tears there was a smile on her face. "Guess what?"


"The Wanted they are performing here in Manchester in a month!" She almost screamed. 

"And?" I rolled my eyes. I thought she had got the hint how much I hate that band.

I had forgot to mention earlier - The Wanted was my younger sister's favourite band whilst it was my least favourite band. 

"And, mum is letting me go! And you're coming with me!" She squealed. "Isn't this exciting?" Sure my sister was fourteen but she still acted like a five year old at times. But I wouldn't have her any other way.

I tried to fake as much excitement as I could when I spoke but it only came out as sarcasticas I said a half-hearted: 'Yay'. She then wrapped me into a hug before running out of my bedroom, humming the tune to all time low. 

Great, I thought, I'm going to have to take her to the stupid concert to see the stupid band and that was something that I wasn't looking forward to. 

Sorry the first chapter is kind of rubbish, I swear it will get better! 

So some important notes that I need to explain:

1. This will be set in Manchester because I live there and I know my way around so it's easier for me to write about than places like Gloucester or London. 

2. Nathan is obvioulsy not in the band as I couldn't think of a different name they will still be called the wanted bc I am not creative. Plus there will only be four members in The Wanted! 

3. None of these views that Nathan posts are mine (obvs), they are just made up and are total fiction they aren't based on reality so pls don't get offended.

4. They won't meet until later on in the book so please be patient!

Hope you enjoy it anyways! 

Love you all lots - Talia x 

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