Day 3 ( Cuddling )

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Geno was waiting for Rurik and his son to arrive, sitting on the porch. Tapping his foot impatiently, "come on, all ready." ( you probably know that it's Fell!Geno, I think regular Geno would be patient with Orginal Goth XD ) Reaper smirked. Beginning to tease the other, said, "babe. You're really impatient~"

"Yeah? So the hell are you, and where is Chalk when you need him? His son and Lotus is going to be here soon, we need to prepare dinner." Geno replied,

Chalk and Marvul ( OMG it's Fell!Dream ) had arrived, "finally. Pardon the wait, Geno. Chalk had to get his clothes on." Marvul says. Chalk smacked the side of his skull,

"It's fine. Any who-"

Right when Geno spoke, Rurik's car pulled in. "they're here. I'll go on inside and prepare dinner." Said Geno, with Reaper following in behind.

Lotus messed with his phone, until he got disturbed from his boyfriend groaning in annoyance. "What?" Lotus  turns his head to look at him. "My fucking dad is here." Rurik replied. "So? If you got a problem with him why don't you talk to him?"

"Everytime I talk to my dad, things happen."

"Ppft, like what? Birds start to fall from the sky?"

"No, Cup. Literally, bad things happen. As in, fights and probably plate throwing. If you knew the real reason why I left home, that would be it. But also because I wanted you to live with me due to me having a lot of compassion over you~"

Rurik teased, Lotus opened the door. Getting out, alongside his boyfriend in return. "Well, well, look who it is." Says Chalk, "if it isn't my son. Piggy."

"Hi dad."

"You've grown quite tall since the last time I've seen you, Piggy."

( Rurik was named by his father XD he calls him that to tease him. )

"It's Rurik." Rurik spoke, "and yeah, I grew. Because of the fact I'm doing things on my own besides having to have you abusing me 24/7."

Marvul sighed, "Enough, let's just get inside and do whatever we came here to do."

Lotus held Rurik's hand in his, for what it felt like the first time. Lotus had been nervous as hell, he hasn't seen his parents since he's moved. No texts, no calls. Nothing. That's how much Geno hadn't cared.

( Daaaamn .-. Poor Lotus )

* Le time skip *

Geno set the table up for dinner, setting plates of food down along with drink cups. "So, what have you been doing lately, Piggy?" Chalk asked, sitting down.

"Ugh, I've been doing tons of things that doesn't matter to your concern." Rurik said, drinking from his cup. "Of course it matters to me, it just depends on what you did." His father says, Marvul chuckled. Said,

"Or WHO you did."

"Mom!" Rurik spat.

Lotus felt his face heat up hard, hiding his face in his scarf. God damn it, he told himself. Uncovering his scarf from his face and started drinking from his cup. He ignored the taunts that they threw, Rurik got irritated. But tried to enjoy himself,

even if it was hard to.

Once dinner was completely done, everyone was quiet for a good 5 minutes. Reaper touched his lover's lower thigh, causing Geno to glare at him. "Don't even think about it, I'm still mad at you." Geno confirmed, "but baaabe. We haven't done anything together in weeks, please, please can we do something together tonight?" Reaper asked, with cute eyes. In which Geno couldn't resist the puppy face, which Reaper didn't do often.

"All right, fine. But if you mess up, I'm going to hate you."

"Heh, you all ready hate my guts. But end up still loving me anyway~"

"See? See! You're doing it now, making me hate you! I-"

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." Reaper said, and just stays quiet. Geno glanced over at his son, Lotus. Clearing his throat, "so. Lotus, how's life been?"

"Uh? Good, I guess. I mean, since I know you don't really care."

"Why wouldn't I care? If I didn't ask you such a question, then I wouldn't care." Geno said, Reaper bumped his elbow into him. Geno knew that Reaper cared a lot for Lotus, "but I guess I just want to try to make it up to you for what happened while you were growing up." Geno continued.

Lotus stood up, taking his plate into the kitchen once he finished. "I'm going up to my room." He said and puts his plate in the sink, washing it off and trotting up the stairs much later.

"Was it something I said?" Geno asked, hearing a door slam shut. Rurik rubbed his eyes, "see? Now you know how much this makes him angry, just by mentioning it. It was good to see you again, Geno." Rurik stood up, rinsed his plate off and followed Lotus' example.

Going up the stairs, "what? You're not even going to say goodbye?" Marvul asks, "uh, yeah, whatever. Bye, mom." Rurik didn't like his parents much, they were never there for him when he was going through problems while growing up.

He knocked on the door to his boyfriends bedroom. "The door is open!" Lotus voice came, Rurik opened the door and spotted him on the floor. Sitting in a beanbag chair. Stretched out, crossing his arms, suddenly.

"Why would my mom say that? Why would-" Lotus went to say, "he- I have no words right now." Lotus continued. "Maybe he's just trying to make things right, I mean, hell. My parents don't even give a shit to do what's right, even if they wanted to." Rurik says, but got a chuckle out of it.

Lotus glared, looking away. "All right, all right. Enough pouting, Cup. Scoot your ass over." Rurik said, Lotus did as told. But still just looking the other way, "is this why he called us here? To have.. a family reunion..?"

Rurik knew that Lotus use to be a cutter before they got together, he gripped onto his scarf and tugged him close. Kissing his head, cuddling into Lotus' covered neck. "We'll never know, all that matters is we're together."

"Are you going to fuck me now?" Lotus asked, causing even his boyfriend to blush hard enough you couldn't even see his bone brows. For what it felt like forever since Rurik Roller has blushed near his lover. For what it felt like, he never blushed near Lotus. And he never knew why or how to explain why he never did.

"You.. You're blushing!" Lotus voice came, startling Rurik. "So what? I'm not allowed to blush?" He asked, Lotus paused and laughed hard enough to cough. "I've just.. I've never seen you blush before." Lotus spoke, smiling. "I've never seen you smile before, Cup."

"Of course not. I've been in a darkness of despair for many years. Thanks to my mom.."

"What about your dad?"

"My dad was the only one who stopped him from doing bad things to me, that's why it's so hard to get along with my mom. Because he was never there for me when I needed him!" Lotus said,

Rurik picked his boyfriend up into his arms. Laying on the bed with him and began to cuddle the other closely. "I'm thankful that I've got you to, what's it called again? Love?"

"Heh, that's what it's called." Rurik replied, chuckling. "I mean, you abuse me too. But it's more pleasurable." Rurik heard and nods, "Yeah. But I do that to only you because I love how tight your insides feel around my-"

"Rurik. Don't." Lotus put his finger on the taller's top 'lip' keeping Rurik quiet. He leaned into him and kissed him softly, Rurik wasn't as nice as his other version. Palette. No wonder why Goth loved him so much, because he was sweet and so polite. Only thinking about that, made Rurik cringe.

That's disgusting, he told himself.

Lotus cuddled closely to his lover, yawning softly. "This feels nice, it's been awhile since we've cuddled like this." Lotus spoke, tiredly. "Mhm, along while." Rurik replied, resting his chin on Lotus' head.

They were so comfortable that they fell asleep, cuddling together to keep warm.

- - -

Omg, this is adorable! But I feel kinda bad for Lotus, he has to go through the pains of his past due to his mother's abuse when he was a kid to now .-. But I am thinking things will get better soon. Hopefully.


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