Day 17 ( Control )

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A glass of water, an apple and some pills were left for Lotus once he woke up.

Realizing there was a hand written note beside the bed, he could recognize the writing only to be Rurik's. He rolls over toward the nightstand. Taking the glass of water and the pills, Lotus put them in his mouth and drinks them down.

He began to read the note that was left for him.

~ ~ ~

Hey Cup, sorry I am not there with you when you wake up.

I left you some birth control on the nightstand. A bottle of water, and an apple for you when you woke up. But I can guess you're all ready awake since you're reading this note. I had to go on another business trip, so please wait for me to return. If you ever leave the house for anything make sure to lock up.

I'll be home soon.

I love you.

-Love & truly yours, Rurik

~ ~ ~

Lotus couldn't stop himself, only to give a toothy grin. He saved the note and took the apple off the nightstand.

Looking at it to see if it had worms infesting it. Once it was safe. He bit into it. It was juicy and sweet, he eats it for a few minutes, then threw the pit away.

Rurik was going to be gone for awhile and that left Lotus alone for a few days or more, hopefully it won't be weeks. Or months,

Oh God, what if it is months? Lotus would ask himself, tapping his fingers on the table once he was downstairs in the kitchen.

He pulls his phone out and sends his lover a text;

~ ~ ~

SaltyCupcake: Hey, Puddin. I was wondering, how long will this trip you're on be?

~ ~ ~

Rurik was busy cleaning his knives, blood spots on his shirt early on due to having to kill someone for not paying what they owed. He hears his phone vibrate in his back pocket of his pants, putting his knife down on the table.

Picking his phone up and reading the text from his lover.

~ ~ ~

RuDick: I'll be home in a few weeks, I was hoping it would be a few days. But 2 weeks isn't even a month, so at least it's not that. Don't worry, Cup. I'll be home before you know it, just do whatever you have to. To keep the  horniness at bay~~

~ ~ ~

"Hey, Rurik!" G shouts out, "the law enforcements are going to be arriving shortly! We should head out!" He says.

"Shit. Alright, let's get moving. Quickly, I don't feel like getting caught by those pigs." Rurik replied, getting a response from his boyfriend.

~ ~ ~

SaltyCupcake: I'll keep it at bay, for you. I know what to do if it does happen though.

RuDick: Good boy~ now. I have to get going the cops are coming and G is getting ready to start the car. So behave while I'm away, alright? And don't let anyone else besides me touch you, if someone else hurts you in any way, I'll kill them.

~ ~ ~

Lotus read the text, he blushed softly. He's so protective of me, it's sweet. Wait, why am I thinking this? I should be yelling at him right now to stop, drop everything and come back home! Lotus thought, sighing and calming his thoughts down a bit.


Don't worry. He'll come back in 2 weeks, he said he would. If not by then, then you have every right to be angry with him. But what happens if he gets into an accident? Lotus began to suddenly worry. But calmed himself again, making some coffee for himself and watching tv for the long while.

* Le time skip *

Lotus had fallen asleep watching a random show, but suddenly the news came on. "Breaking news! Criminal work is still being handled in the city! Which the forces of police are trying to catch!" He wakes up, and stared at the tv. "Oh brother. Another one of these chases, Rurik better be safe or else I will fucking wake him from the dead, if he dies on me." Lotus joked.

( Lotus misses his Ru XD )

The news continued on, seeing gunfire from the moving vehicles. There were at least four of them, holy shit. Lotus told himself, watching. Seeing a few familiar faces, or so what it looked like. They had to wear masks in order for the cameraman not to draw their faces. More gunfire sounds, hearing the blaring of police sirens.

* Rurik's half *

Rurik shoots behind them, ducking once he had almost gotten shot. It was good that he was wearing a bullet proof vest, in case he ever did get shot. He thought about his boyfriend, Lotus.

And what would happen if he, Rurik Roller, have died or ended up in the hospital?

Lotus wouldn't have been happy.

Lotus had suffered enough from abuse, he wanted to protect Lotus and possibly their child. If Lotus was going to even have one. G shot a police officer in the head, causing the car behind them to swerve into a tree. Shooting more vehicles behind them,

"fuck! Fuck! We need to head for the passage way on the highway!"

"Shut up idiot! You don't think I know that?!" Cross asks, Chara was sitting beside him.

( I'm just gonna call Cross!Chara just Chara XD )

"Chara! Light them up!" Red shouts,

Chara gave a smirk and grabs a rocket launcher. "With pleasure," He said and aims it up at the helicopter that was following them for news reports. "Ready. Aim." Chara paused, breathing in and everything in his hearing went quiet.

"FIRE!!" Rurik shouts, causing Chara to fire at the helicopter.

"Look out-" Once the reporter shouted, it was too late. The rocket all ready smashed into the flying object. The camera was still rolling causing the other few to escape the rocket from killing them. "Go, go, go! Quickly!" They jump onto the roof of a building, watching other cop cars smash into the helicopter that had fallen. Letting Rurik and the others escape.

"Whoo hoo! Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!!" Cross said, as he smacked the wheel. "Great job everyone! We're heading for the passage way." Rurik says, with the car pulling onto the highway.

"Crap, CRAP! We lost them! What are we going to tell the chief?!" Came Blue's voice, "good question. We'll just explain to him that they had stronger weapons armed on them." Replied Dream. "Of course they had weapons armed! Ink did say that they would." Blue said, patting Dream's shoulder.

"C'mon, let's get back. We'll need to explain to him what happened."

~ ~ ~

Wow. Well, that happened.

Lotus told in his head,  turning the tv off. The rocket launcher bit was amazing as hell. He knew who launched it too, it was Cross!Chara.

Fuck, I can't believe I fell in love with a man who's the leader of a gang who gets themselves into trouble. Ok. I sort of can believe it, he's hot that way~ Lotus thought, sighing softly and drinking his newly fresh coffee he had gotten from the kitchen.

Rurik, I swear to god if you die I will literally bring you back from the dead and kick your ass. But.. if you did die, I would miss you.


- - -

Aww! Lotus is missing his boyfriend~♡ UwU

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