Day 8 ( Masturbation )

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Damn it. I thought I had this all figured out, Rurik tells himself.

It was hard enough as it was. Morning had just started, the sun was rising. Lotus had been asleep, and Cray had gone home the night before. Lotus began murmuring in his tiresome. Purring sounding from him, snuggling closely. Rurik tried so hard not to laugh, God I can't get over how cute he is being right now. He told himself.

Geno and Reaper had been awake. After their own late night fun the night before. Reaper was cooking in the kitchen, while Geno just rests on the couch. Bored, watching t.v, clicking through stations.

"Hmm.. Reeeaper! There isn't anything good on.."

Geno complained,

"I can only do one thing at a time, hun. Give me a minute or two and I'll be out to pick you out a movie."

came Reaper's voice from the kitchen. Geno waited for a few minutes, trying so hard to be patient with his lover.

Geno soon once again had grew tired and fell asleep while waiting, resting his chin into his wrist.

A few minutes later went by.

Reaper set some food down for the shorter skeleton, startling him awake. "Hun, maybe you should sleep for today." Reaper says, sitting beside a tired, less irritable, Geno. "You were the one who made me like this, dickhead." Replied Geno, yawning to cause some tears to prick from his one eye light from yawning. "Nnngh.." He stretched,

"yes that is true~ and you enjoyed it."

"Don't start in with that stupid topic, asshole." Geno said. Snuggling into his husband, smiling while munching on something.

Reaper wanted to tease him further, but it seemed that his lover was in a good mood this morning.

Surprising as that sounds.

So he didn't push it, even if he wanted so badly to do so.

Lotus woke up, got dressed, and went downstairs after sharing a kiss with his sleeping boyfriend.

Rurik chuckled tiredly. "C'mon, Ru. It's morning, you need to get up." Lotus mumbled, but it was so clear to Rurik. "But I want to stay in bed for a couple of minutes, babe."

"C'mon, Puddin~ it's morning, and you need to eat." Replied Lotus, shoving Rurik's shoulder to get him up. Almost like a cat would do to a person to get them up whenever they want food. "Mmn, all right, all right. I'm up~" Rurik said, yawning and stretching his arms out to make a huge 'Y'.

Realising that he was still hard. God damn it, he thought. Lotus probably knew, in which he did. But he didn't say much of it, he was so annoyed of the other and his heats.

But he also wanted to see how much his lover could say without being inside of him constantly.

( * silent wheezing * Oh God, I know where this is going-- )

Lotus had finally gone downstairs. Spotting his parents, Geno had been watching a random movie that Reaper picked out for him.

"Uhh, hey mom." Lotus greeted, "mhm. Morning, Lotus. Sleep well?" Geno would ask, which was-


He never really use to ask that, but it was a change of things.

"Yeah, I guess so." Lotus replied, Geno actually had smiled for what it felt like the first time. His mood was strange but starting to actually concern Lotus.

"Mom? Are you- ok?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. What makes it look I'm not ok?" Replied Geno,

"Well gee. I dunno, you being nice to me is one. You asking me how I slept is another, and you're smiling! You ever rarely smile!" Lotus said, Geno couldn't stop thinking of the many reasons to explain himself. Which in his case, he couldn't think of one. So he stopped trying, getting up off the couch.

"Well, it's just I wanted to try to change how I use to be with you. Lotus, and no I'm not just saying that. I MEAN it." Geno says,

Rurik had still been upstairs. Laying on the bed, groaning.

"God, I need to fucking do something with this heat of mine. Or else it'll get worse." He said to himself, laying back and beginning to massage his summoned heat.

He began to pump himself, slowly.

Groaning softly, "Mmhh~.. This better be worth it, or else otherwise, Lotus may not want to fuck ever again, so I have to manage doing this for the time being. I guess.." Rurik spoke more to himself than anyone else, pumping himself faster. Thrusting his hips up with the pace he set while doing so, "oh fuck.. I want to fill that tight frame of yours, Cup~ unh.. k-keep bouncing that ass on my cock~ ahh.." Rurik said, pumping faster.

Lotus finished eating while actually enjoying something for once, but it was still strange to him. "Geno, it's time." Reaper says, Geno had nodded. Standing from the couch, "all right. All right." Lotus had a smug face on, chuckling.



Lotus couldn't help but laugh, oh my God this is amusing as hell. But it's strange that mom is acting weird today, which is- I dunno. Unusual for him? Lotus told himself,

What could it mean?

( Oh, I dunno. Lotus you weren't awake to actually hear the sin going on in the next room over. *lenny face* )

( Lotus: Wait, what? )

( Never mind XD moving on! )

Rurik was panting heavily. Pumping himself quickly, hard enough to almost send him over the edge. "Oh fUucKk, Cup~ bounce that ass so I can fill it.. fuuck.. I'm so close~"

Lotus had ended up going back upstairs to get his lazy boyfriend.

"God damn it, Rurik! I thought I told you to get-"

What the fuck.

~ ~ ~

Ooh! Lotus is in for it now!

Also yee, the next part will be possibly a 69 thing. Someone requested I write it and I plan on doing so. God this stuff makes me want to squeal because this ship is literally the most greatest thing I've ever actually written about. But, yeet!

Just wait until Lotus joins in on the fun~♡

-Mr. Fãl

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