Day 30 ( Honeymoon )

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Driving for what it felt like hours after the wedding, Lotus stared out the window for awhile and ended up falling asleep. Feeling sudden kicks of the twin children he had been baring within him.

He groans, causing his husband to caress his stomach with his free hand off the wheel to keep the twin children calm. Lotus got comfortable, stretching suddenly and waking up.

"Are we there yet?" He asked, Rurik chuckled. "Not yet. Soon we will be." Rurik replied, Lotus had continued to look out the window. Watching nearby cars pass by.

It's been 4 hours since the wedding, Lotus told himself. Yawning again, "Cup. You should rest until we get there, I'll let you know when we do." The taller spoke, Lotus had agreed. Smiling, trusting his husband. Falling back to sleep for the good while.

*Le time skip

Once Rurik parks the car, he gently rubs Lotus' stomach. Waking him up in the process, "hey, Cup. We made it." Lotus hears, yawning and stretching his arms up to hear a satisfying 'pop' of his spine, he stared out the window and saw a huge mansion before them.

"Wow! How the hell did you manage to afford this?" Lotus asks,

"Well. I had a little help from the others, my parents helped out a little, too. They couldn't make it to the wedding because they had stuff to get done at their work, but it's fine. I mean, they can always stop by. Unless we're busy~" Rurik wriggled his brows. "Okay. Let's go." Lotus unbuckles himself and the taller nods and gets out the car. Closing the driver side door and opening his husband's door, letting him out by taking his hand gently. "Easy now, Cup." Rurik spoke, taking a few bags in the process. Lotus took a few bags as well, carrying suitcases inside. Following his husband,

Rurik had unlocked the door with a satisfying click. Opening the door quietly, "woah. This place is amazing!" Lotus shouts out. Hearing his voice echo suddenly, looking around the main hall, at the end of the hall was s staircase that led up to the upper part of the house. "Normally the place I could afford would have been the place we would normally stay at, but, my parents felt generous. This was one of my parent's vacation houses. They had this for awhile, that's also why I worked overtime for a few weeks in order to prove to them I could earn it. But I mostly did it for you~"

"That's sweet, Ru. Thank you~"

Rurik helps set the suitcases down on the floor, a few on the table as well. A few maids came down and helps carry them upstairs, "good evening, Master Rurik. Welcome back." A maid who had gone by the name Marisa had said, bowing her head and taking the bags upstairs. Another maid carries a few as well, her name had been Natalie. "Thank you, it helps a lot." Rurik said and chuckled, Lotus felt sudden kicks again. Becoming slightly nervous, it's been a couple days since he found out he was pregnant.

Thankfully a doctor was around, or so Lotus hoped. "Uhm, Ru? They're kicking again and this time it's.. ow.. it's harder than the last time." Rurik held Lotus suddenly, carrying him up the stairs and down the hallway. To see Sci.

Once they had entered the office where Sci had been, he greeted them. "Welcome, welcome. Have a seat, I'll be with you in a moment." Sci said, getting his things ready. Lotus got comfortable on one of the chairs, laughing lightly due to how squishy the foam had been.

Once Sci had gotten ready, he walked over to Lotus. "Come with me, if you please." He says, Lotus followed him. Rurik follows alongside them into the next room. Laying the smaller down on the bed, Lotus was nervous again. Feeling suddenly nauseous, Rurik rubs his lover's stomach. Kissing his head.

"It'll be fine, Cup. Just breathe, you'll get through this." Rurik said, it had been a couple days. Was it time for Lotus to give birth? The smaller couldn't help but panic on the inside of his mind, panting suddenly. "Woah, breathe. Breathe babe, you're okay. Just breathe." Sci hears and examines the smaller's stomach, putting some gel on it to see within his stomach. Putting it on screen so that Rurik and Lotus could see their twin children. One was asleep and the other was moving softly, Shadow. "They're beautiful." Lotus says, "you're going to be having twins. Congratulations." Sci said. Smiling.

Thankfully Lotus didn't have to worry about giving birth just yet, it hadn't been time for him to give birth to his children. "So, when am I due?" Asked Lotus, "hm. You are due.. Let me see," Sci flips pages of the book he was holding. "In about 1 to 2 months, which isn't long from now. So if you have any feelings of pain or contractions, please come to me immediately." Sci spoke.

* Another le time skip

Rurik lays beside his pregnant lover, snuggling closely and kissing his stomach. "Ru, I'm scared.." Lotus began,

"What are you scared of, Cup?"

"What if.. what if I'm not a good to be a mother? What if.. I end up abusing them..? Like my mother had done to me?" Lotus had many questions, he was scared that he would abuse his children like his mother had to him.

"You won't abuse them, also it's not abuse. It's called discipline. Abuse it's a little much, but I understand why you're scared. You've never given birth before, but when the time comes. Just breathe and everything will be okay." Rurik replied, laying his head onto his stomach. Kissing his lover's stomach once more. Lotus breathed in, and yawned. He had been tired since they had gotten home. He wanted to sleep for a few hours before anything else. "May I sleep?" Asked the smaller, "you may. I'll let you sleep for a few hours, you need your strength."

In a about 2 months or so, Lotus was told to give birth his twin children. He had been nervous, but he had grown much more since he found out he was pregnant. Which surprised him greatly. He knew he wouldn't be like his mother.

He knew he would take care of them and love them, because they are his to love and care for.

Lotus fell asleep, peacefully. Snuggling his husband, laying on his chest.

The birth of his children, is something beautiful to experience. The slight pain had been normal, the small kicks had meant that they had loved their mother.

Very much.

- - -

YUS BOI! Finally did it! I made it to day 30! This is amazing! Thanks so much for supporting me with this book! It's taken about a month to finish. And this just in, Lotus is due to give birth in about a month or two. Yeet boi!


Thanks for reading my lovely followers! Know that you are loved no matter how you say you look. Looks don't matter to me, it's the heart that counts most of all. Forever and for always I will support you in your life choices, either if you're gay, pans, bisexual, trans, lesbian or wanting to be considered non-gendered. I will support you. I recently found out my closest best friend is lesbian, and I support her. Because that is what true friends do for one another.

I love you all~♡

-Mr. Fãl 

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