Day 11 ( Date ) Prt. 1

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"C'mon, please?"


"Pretty, pretty please?"

Geno just revealed to Reaper that he was going to have a boy. His summoned flesh had a bump, he growled and smacked Reaper hard on the head. Which he was surprised he didn't even hear a crack from how hard it was.

"If you think I'm that stupid then you're an idiot!" Geno snapped.

"C'mon babe. It'll only be for today!" Reaper replied.

"Also, you did say I have to help take care of you during your pregnancy. Did you even tell Lotus yet that he's going to be a big brother?" Reaper asked, rubbing the baby bump on Geno's belly.

Geno sighed, "I haven't told him yet. He keeps avoiding me, must have been all that stuff I did to him while he was growing up.. also I know you want to spend time with me today, but it's still a no. Because what you did the other day is today's punishment!" Geno again snaps.

( if you're wondering what Reaper did, he did a cumshot on Geno's favorite pair of panties-- *dying noise* bro-- )

Reaper gave a defeated sigh, rubbing his husband's stomach, calmly.

"I already said I was sorry. All right then, I'll just be heading off to work then. Don't worry, I'll make sure that C!Geno watches you for a bit until then."

"You think a baby sitter is going to help? You piss me off sometimes, Reaper. Actually no, most of the time you piss me off!" Geno suddenly had tears in his eye, his glitch had suddenly glitched.

"Geno, I-"

"Don't worry about me, Reaps. I'm going to be fine, it's just the child within me making my emotions all hazzy and weird.." Geno admitted, Reaper wipes his lover's tears suddenly with his thumb, "I promise, I'll be home soon." Reaper said and kissed his pregnant lover softly.

"You better, or you'll definitely not be getting any more of me."

* Le time skip *

Rurik yawned wide, stretched his arms out. Nuzzling his face into his boyfriend's back.

"Mm.. Morning.." Lotus whispers, tiredly.

"Good morning, princess." Rurik teased, Lotus growled playfully, and hit his boyfriend in the face with his pillow. "I'm not a princess, I'm a fucking masochist." Teased Lotus in return,

"well said, Cup."

Lotus heard.

"I really hate you."

"Not possible. I hate you more~"

"Yeah right."



"I have a dick, doesn't make me one." Rurik states.

"Shut up, you ass-"

Lotus grumbled, Rurik kissed his head, got up. Starting to put his shirt on, one button at a time. Holy- Lotus thought, feeling even his own face turn hot.

Fucking shit-- this guy I swear is almost compared to a Greek God.

Lotus told himself, even though Rurik Roller is a skeleton. It still sticks with him that he could stun Lotus with his perfected body. If that were to even be a thing.

Lotus spots his boyfriend's rib cage, staring at the scars. Reminds him of when Lotus would cut himself mostly all the time, due to because his mother would abuse him. Always beating on him.

His father would stop Geno from ever doing such things to their own child. Once Geno had found out that Lotus was cutting, it made even him feel like it was his fault.

In which, it was his fault. And it stuck with him until this very day. Making him want to change and love his child better than he never had in the past.

"Hey. Why don't we go out?"

"Like what? A date?" Lotus replied.

"Something like that. Yeah,"

"Why would I date a loser like you~?"

"Beats the fuck out of me~"

Lotus cuddled his lover and kissed him softly, "okay. Fine. But only if I get to pick a new outfit."

"you're such a woman~"

"yeah, I'm your 'woman'. 'Cus you always enjoy me summoning my body as one~" Lotus said, kissing further. Lotus had a favorite store, Spencer's. He happened to always go there whenever he felt the need to. He even goes there while him and Goth would hang out.

Goth didn't like it the first time because people were giving dirty looks. He also didn't like it because it felt weird.

Goth's too innocent to begin with. Even I know that. Lotus pondered.

They released the kiss after a few moments of being smothered into each other's embrace.

"C'mon. Let's get you that new outfit you were askin' for." Rurik says. Putting his jacket on and leaving it unzipped since it was pretty warm out. Rurik couldn't help but smile to the thought, he would one day have to tell Lotus about what was actually going on.

Him being in a organization of men, but he figured that Lotus had all ready knew about the whole thing from the start.

"Hey, Cup. Remember that group I said I was in back in high school?"

"It was awhile back when you told me." Lotus said, giving a small eye roll. He got into the car. Closing the door, and, fastened his seat belt.

"Oh yeah. I remember now. That was when and before we started dating."

"Duhhh-- how in the fuck did you forget that??"

Rurik got in and started the car.

"Its been years since we were last in high school."

"Yeah? Well, your memory's like a rats."

"But rats have decent memories~"

"Fine, then your memory's like a caveman's."

"Very funny."

Rurik chuckled, backed the car up while looking into the review mirror, and began driving his way down the road.

"So where are we headed?" Lotus asked, a few moments later.

"A special place for my amazing boyfriend." Rurik replied after a moment of silence.

"You're actually just now thinking about where to take us? You're pathetic~"

"Heh, if I was pathetic. I would be some citizen, now that's pathetic~" Rurik's words surprised Lotus. Causing him to laugh.

"Okay. Fuck you~"

"I'll fuck you later. If that is what you demand, princess~"

"For the last time, I'm not a princess!"

"Well today, you're being treated like one~" Rurik said and even this caused Lotus to blush hard. Hiding his face in his scarf.

"Will you shut up all ready? I hate when you do that-"

"Of course you do, proves that I get to do it only more~"

God damn it, Rurik. You literally put me in the mood every time you say stuff that involves me giving demands! Fucking prick.

Lotus grumbled in his thoughts.

- - -

My coffee went cold ;-; RIP--

But daamn! Omg, I can't wait to see what this holds. Along with a few other chapters that have parts of this in it. But yeet! I almost fell asleep earlier trying to write this out lol only because I haven't been really taking naps much during the day as I had. Makes days go by quicker, as odd as that sounds. But anyway,

Made it to day 11! Yeet! Also surprise, surprise! They're going on a date!

This could go both ways~♡

-Mr. Fãl

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