Day 7 ( Naked Cuddles )

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Lotus had spent half the day with his friend,
Fell!Cray. (just gonna call him Cray, cuz yeh--) They played board games and played Wii for many hours of the day, until the sun set.

Rurik had been sitting on the couch, watching them. "God damn it.." Lotus said, panting heavily. "That was the 7th time in a row that you beat me at sports Wii!" He spat, "oh ppft. I'm not that good at this game, it's only been out for what? A few years?" Cray asked,

"It looks older than a few years."

Lotus had his hands on his knees.

Playing the Wii took a lot of moving around,

Cray sat down and drinks his water.

"It's almost like the real thing, isn't it? Remind you of anything?"

He says,

"Don't even mention it. That was the most worst year ever when my mom choose to take me to that hell."

Lotus replied.

Drinking his water,

Rurik clears his throat, said,


"How am I the pussy, when you're the wuss who wusses out on playing Wii?"

Lotus asks. Rurik smirked,

"sure I did. Only to watch your fine hips and ass sway side to side playing such a game~"

he stated.

Which obviously pissed Lotus off,

"will you stop thinking about your dick for like five minutes?!"

Lotus shouted.

Rurik had that glare on toward the smaller, which Lotus knew that he would probably get punished for it later.

"Careful, Cup. You don't want to make me angry, do you~?"

"Who cares?" Replied Lotus, sitting beside him. But, obviously not facing him. Crossing his arms over his chest,

"Cup. I-"

"I DON'T want to hear it. Your words are worthless, that's how much I hate you."

Rurik felt a sudden sting from Lotus' words, but it was merely bliss.

He leaned into the smaller's neck, said,

"Hate me if you like~"

"That's what I'm doing, asshole."

"If you hate me so much, then why don't I-"

Rurik picked the smaller up over his shoulder and roamed away with him up the stairs.

"Make you feel better?"

"Rurik, no! Put me down, right now!"

"Heh, nope. Not until I make you feel better, princess~" Lotus hears, growling.


He leans his face into his hand while being carried up the stairs. Cray just watched.

"I'll let you two do your thing. I'm gonna go grab some snacks--" Cray spoke, wandering into the kitchen after the scenario that played before him.

Rurik walked up the stairs to Lotus' former bedroom, opened the door, and plopped Lotus down on his former bed. The smaller hadn't spoken for awhile after that. Just laying there and puffing his cheeks, merely pouting.

Memories of his childhood came back and he couldn't help himself but think that even his own boyfriend use to be his biggest bully. Rurik Roller, the bully he tried so hard not to fall for. He ended up falling for him anyway. Lotus wouldn't have it any other way. He would be lying if he didn't want it.

"C'mon, Cup. Don't pout, I did this not to get into your pants."

"Yeah right, asshole.."

Rurik pinned his boyfriend to the bed, moving closer. Inches to his face, replied,

"I'm sorry that it feels like I'm always thinking about my dick whenever we're together, Cup."

D-did he just.. apologize..?

Lotus thought,

"it's just. Whenever we are together I fall in love with each and every shape of you, male or not. I can't help myself from thinking such things."

Lotus heard, his face heats up with crimson.

"You.. actually apologized for once.." He spoke,

"heh. Surprising, right? Someone like me saying 'I'm sorry please forgive me'? It's kind of ironic."

"That's.." Lotus went to speak, but felt his throat close off. Oddly enough, he leaned up and wrapped his arms around the taller's neck. Pulling him in and kissing him deeply with desire and want, causing a soft moan come from even him. "Mmm, as much as I want to say I hate you. I do, I mean, you'll have to do more than a 'I'm sorry', Ru~"

"Oh? And what should I do then~?" Asked Rurik,

"Love me. Please?" Lotus would beg, plead in his voice. "Always." Rurik replied, stripping Lotus of his clothes and kissing down his magic formed body. Kissing lower and lower, "Ru.. don't go too far, ok?" Lotus asks. "You were the one who said you wanted me to love you~" Rurik says, stripping himself of his own clothes and tossing them to the side.

"As much as I want to fuck you right now, I won't. Because I have something else in mind." Well that's surprising, Lotus told himself. Watching his boyfriend's cock spring out, causing him to blush crimson. Holy fucking shit.. he told himself.

Of course, Rurik was hard. But he wanted to only cuddle his lover.
Rurik lays behind him, spooning his lover. Kissing his neck, and saying sweet things into his 'ear'.

Lotus smiled, having a complete day of hanging out with his close friend, and, having Rurik cuddling him much later on.

Was bliss.

The clock rung 12AM, as fast as it seemed. The entire household was quiet for the night, or for what it seemed.

Geno had been getting undressed. Getting into his night clothes, Reaper was sitting on the bed. Said, "babe. May we please have at least a little fun tonight?" In question. Geno just glared at him when he turned, scoffing, replied, "why so you can fill me with your dirty seed~?" In a flirt. His glare suddenly softens, surprisingly.

That left Reaper speechless. Well all be damned.. He told himself. "All right, fine. But if you get me pregnant, you're taking care of me." Geno says, "of course I will, love." Reaper replied.

Rurik cuddles his boyfriend, his hard on against his summoned ass. He tried so hard to resist, God fucking damn it. Rurik thought. Trying to think of something else, Lotus had been asleep. Soundly, which seemed peaceful. Oddly as that sounds, Rurik hasn't had that good of a peaceful sleep in years?



He kept pondering, lost in thought. Until he heard sudden bed banging against the wall, along with creaking from the other room to where Geno and Reaper had been in. ( Oooh~ ;3)

"AhHh, fUuUcKk!"

Came Geno's voice,

surprisingly that didn't wake Lotus up. ( OMG AfterDeath is happening! Also omg Geno .////. )

Rurik smirked, but managed to fall sleep, and nuzzles his face at the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

- - -

Here ya go! God this was hard to write, I kind of tried hard to literally write this. It wasn't rushed, thankfully. I'm glad you are all enjoying this book ^//^

But yeet!

Once again, this is getting good~♡

-Mr. Fãl

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