Day 22 ( Control/Backstory ) Prt. 4

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Classic lays on the couch, staring at what seemed to be his room ceiling, falling asleep.

When Classic was a kid, he had a younger brother. His name was Papyrus. Sans had been the eldest in his family, his father Dr. W.D. Gaster had always worked his hardest to stop what had happened.

But, he was soon trapped in the save screen and stayed there leaving him to become slightly less than he use to be. Leaving half of his body to melt suddenly on one half of his body.

- Flashback -

Classic's Pov

I had just got done doing my duties with my younger brother, he sure wants to become the great royal guardsmen one day. "Hey, Paps. What do you call snow when you build it?" I ask, walking with him back home.

"I dunno Sans, what do you call snow when you build it?" Replied Papyrus, I snicker. "A 'snow' man," 
( Pfft ) Once my brother had paused, he shouted, "OH MY GOD!" and started chasing me back to the house. "When we get back I'm going to have you to pick your sock up, just one more pun and that'll be the end of it!"

"C'mon bro, I was only joking!" I said and ran further, but instead of running, I open a portal into the house and fall in. Getting suck in the door, as always.

"Uhh, hey, hey, bro."

"What?" Came an annoyed voice of my brother, "can you be a 'door'man and help me out of this situation I'm currently 'stuck' in?" I asked. Papyrus heard another pun and sort of growled and kicked me out of the door, shoving me through it. Breaking it in the process.

"ONE MORE PUN!" He shouted in the process of also trying to not laugh at my horrible joke, I fall directly into the carpet. "Bro you broke the door!" I say, seeing our pet rock, it still had sprinkles on it from when Paps and I first moved in. I chuckled and rolled over onto my back, feeling suddenly lazy as always.

I yawn, "oh no you don't! You're not falling asleep there, you're going to pick up your sock and then go straight to bed!" Papyrus said. Helping me stand up, I chuckle softly and walk over to where my sock had still stayed.

A few moments later, I had still been staring at it. Papyrus tapped his foot and looked at his wrist like there was a watch on it, "C'mon brother. Are you going to pick it up or are you going to make me pick it up?" Papyrus asked. Little did my brother know that I fell asleep while standing. ( He's pulling a penguin, they stand while sleeping XD )

Papyrus notices this and sighed softly. Picking me up into his arms, I shuffle gently afterward. Said, "Paps. I'm sorry I'm too lazy to do anything right, like picking my sock up. But it's like it was meant to keep our pet rock company, heh. Right?"

"Well, pet rock seems to enjoy sniffing it for some odd reason."

"that's because it's very-" I went to tell a joke, but stopped for a moment. "Brother, please no more puns." Papyrus says, but this time he suddenly smiled. As if wanting to hear it, but at the same time he didn't. He lays me on my bed and covers me gently once we had been in my room, he lays next to me and stays there, until I had fallen asleep completely.

*Orginal!Chara's genocide route *

A few days after the whole door incident, I had gotten word from Dr. Alphys that there was a human on the loose. Killing monsters, one at a time. Monsters had turned to dust during this so called genocide route that they took. Frisk was the source of it, Chara was in control of them. Like a puppet on a string,

I watched as my friends from the other part of Hotlands, fighting against the human. They slashed away, laughing like a madman or woman. Blood splattered onto their clothes and them hearing their victim plead for mercy.

"Please, have mercy!" One of the monsters shouted, Frisk, or I should say Chara. Just smiled, sinister evil with drew from that smile, Said, "Sorry. All out of mercy," and they suddenly ended up killing the monster that was pleading to them. To be honest,

Chara felt like a monster. Which in my case, they were. I needed to stop this, once and for all.

But my brother.. had gotten in the way, trying to confront them. "Please, stop this Frisk.. you don't have to do this.." Papyrus says, his arms out to them. "Please, don't do this. I know you've been having it hard, but I am here for you. The great Papyrus is here for you!" After that, they stabbed him. Swinging their knife, killing the only thing of family I ever had left.

"I still.. believe in you.. human.." Then, his skull was crushed. Turning him into dust, earning me to want to cry so badly due to his death. He was the only.. family I ever had..

* Le time skip *

Frisk had stood in the judgment hall. Just staring, their eyes. Which were never shown before, had been red. They came at me to try to kill me next after my brother, I teleported behind them. 

Said, "You killed my brother. Now you're going to have a really BAD TIME." They slashed there knife at me and I dodged it, multiple times that they tried to slash me. I kept on dodging and moving out of the way before the strike could land.

I appeared too quick for them, thinking of other ways to stop Chara from controlling Frisk. Soon, then suddenly, I felt a strike land on my chest. Earning blood of my soul to slowly ooze from my chest. I touch it and look to it, a wide grin grew on my face and I started to attack them like they did to me. Grabbing something sharp and trying to kill them,

Gripping their arm and plunging the knife I had forward. "This is for my brother!" I shout, Frisk ducked before I could land a strike on them.

* Another le time skip *

I had gotten taken in for trying to kill Chara, feeling the cuffs on my wrists tighten. Obviously, I was framed by Chara that I had been the one who attacked the monsters of the underground and they framed me for killing my brother.

Frisk did all they could to stop Chara from controlling them, but it wasn't any good.

"Son of a bitch! I'll have my revenge!" I shouted out once I was within prison.

- Flashback ends -

Classic just lyes there on his bed, touching the scar on his chest from where he got cut. Trailing his hand there for awhile. They will pay for what they did to my brother, they won't get away with this.

I'm going to make sure they suffer dearly for killing my only family I had left. He had Papyrus' scarf, hugging it. Said, "I promise, Paps. I will avenge your death."


Ooh! Now we know what happened that caused even Classic to become this way, he got framed. Now you know how this turned out, he became a most wanted criminal because he escaped prison.

Anyway, made it to day 22! Yeet, boi! Also, I'm going to mention this once and only once. I don't care if the logic of this is stupid. Grow a pair of balls and get over it 😂 it's just a story and I can do whatever I wish with it LMFAO
* wheeze * God that hurt XD

This should be good~♡

-Mr. Fãl

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