Aaron - chapter 7

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Aaron woke with a start thinking that he didn't hear his phone and he had missed a call for work. Then he remembered he was off today. Whew dam but he had slept so hard. He hasn't slept well for a very long time so it was a surprise that he slept so late. He jumped out of bed and made his way to the kitchen to put some coffee on. Then he went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He woke completely hard and ready to go. He was surprised after last night he would even be able to get it up. He laughed as he showered. Debra had been a pleasant surprise. She was bold and daring and completely honest in everything. He hasn't spent much time with her though, what if this is a fluke he thought. Ugh the morning light always made the doubts rear their ugly head. He shook the thoughts away. Wrapping the towel around his waist he went to the kitchen and grabbed some coffee. He stood there sipping his coffee as he replayed the whole table scene in his head. He sighed. Dam could someone be like this all the time or was this just because it was their first encounter? Hopefully this was not a one time thing. He took his coffee to the bedroom and dressed, he couldn't sit around here mooning over a woman all day. Beside they agreed to go and do something later.

Debra had slept soundly. She was semi awake and turned over in bed. Her eyes snapped open when her muscles tried to resist the movement. Ouch, she was so sore everywhere. She smiled though knowing why she was sore and it made it bearable. She stretched and groaned as she sat up. She looked at her phone and she has missed two calls from work. She proceeded to call her boss and just tell him she was going to need today and tomorrow off. He complied easily and wished her a good weekend off. Debra plopped back against her pillows again. She could easily doze off again, but she made herself get out of bed, she threw on a little sundress she used for just around the house and got busy. It was only 8am so mom and pop weren't up just yet. She put the coffee on and went to bathroom to wash up. When she came out she went straight to the kitchen and made breakfast. The phone rang and it was her best friend.

"Debra girl where were you last night? I called you several times." Marcie was beside herself. Is everything ok?" She questioned her.

Debra and Marcie had been friends for over 20 years and both single. They had made a pact that if you were going out with someone new, you had to send the info and check in from time to time.

Debra giggled. "Calm down chica. I'm sorry I didn't let you know I made it home. I'm fine really."

Marcie was furious. "You had me up all night wondering" she yelled at her.
Debra just laughed.

Marcie was quiet. Then like a flash her mood changed. "You got laid!!! Finally you stopped being a scaredy cat and gave up the cat!" She started laughing hysterically. "You whore, on the first date even." Marcie giggled. "So you know I want details!"

Debra laughed along with her friend like a school girl. " I can't tell you all the details now, but I can tell you 3 times in one night and still wanted more!"

Marcie squealed. "You go girl. So when you seeing him again?"

Debra could imagine Marcie bouncing around and smiling ear to ear.
"Tonight." She stated.

"What! Oh my gosh!!!! It was that good then!!! I am so jealous! Not really, you know I just want you to have something good." Marcie got serious for a second. "Not married, right?"

"Nope not married. His daughter is grown. No girlfriend. He has been divorced a year now. Lives like 30 mins away. Sexy as hell." What else do you want to know miss detective Marcie." She giggled.

"Girl you know I need the name and social to run the background check." She said playfully."

Debra smiled she was happy and excited like she hasn't been in years. She felt like a sexy desirable woman again. She had lost herself for a while just being a perpetual caregiver and mom. She forgot what it was like to be a woman. "Marcie do you know how much I love you?"

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