Aaron - chapter 14

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Debra had driven them to their location without further conversation. Both Duffy and Smith just put ear buds in and took a nap.

She just drove and just did some thinking when they were quiet. She was so amazed at the last couple days it was like a dream. A dream that she hasn't had in a very long time.

She got them to their destination and waited for the other crew to come off the train to switch out. From where they were it would only take an hour and a half to get to he hotel. She smiled as she thought about sneaking up to his room. She wouldn't text him till they made a stop closer he needed to rest.

Like with all her hotel dropoffs, they would always have her take them to get dinner. Sometimes she would even have to take them to the grocery store. So it would take quite a bit longer. Tonight she took them to the grocery store. She texted Aaron while she waited to see if he was awake.

"Hey lover, are you awake?"

It didn't take long for his response. "Yes, i actually just got up. Did you make it here." he asked.

"Almost, we are at grocery store now. Not much longer." she sent.

"Ok I am in room 302, park the van and come in like you usually do to the bathroom. The elevator is right there. Hurry I need you." he instructed.

Her heart was racing already at the thought. "see you soon."

"Text me as you are walking in so that i can have the door open and you won't have to knock. I will be waiting." he sent further instructions.

She sent him a thumbs up. The guys were walking back to the van already as well. She smiled, here we go.

Aaron was pacing with his phone in hand. It seemed like it was taking too long. It was his impatience that made it feel that way. DING! he opened the message quickly. She was on her way up. He went to the door to be ready to let her in.

Debra's heart was pounding so hard. She didn't want anyone to see her. If she was seen nit would spread like wildfire that she was sneaking into someones room. She was breaking into a sweat just from shear fear of being caught.

The elevator opened and the room right in front was 301 so she looked right and the left before she stepped out. To right she flew out of the elevator and made a beeline for his door. He was already sticking his head out scanning the hallway for eyes. She was practically running. As soon as she stepped in Aaron closed the door quickly. She leaned against the wall and him against the door both looking at each other breathing heavily. Then they burst into laughter. She fell into his arms as he stepped forward to hug her.

"Oh hold on a second." She opened her app and clocked out for a lunch break, she also set an alarm as to not go too far over her time. "Ok, now kiss me you crazy fool."

He didn't hesitate as he devoured her mouth. she was helping him get her clothes off. He only had his briefs on so it didn't take him but a tug and off they went. She had her shirt and bra off and his mouth was already on her breasts. Her pants were pooled at her feet and she kicked her shoes off and stepped out of her pants. He was impatient as he suckled her breasts rather roughly, but it excited her even more. She had to hold her moans of pleasure back. the walls were thin and if she was too loud whoever was next door would know what was going on.

His hand automatically went to her core and started fingering her. Her hand was already stroking his hard shaft. He licked and sucked whatever part of her body he could with his mouth. He stood suddenly and lifted her against the wall. She opened and wrapped her legs around him. He entered her in one swift movement. A moan escaped from her lips. He tried to cover it with his mouth but he was too late. He didn't miss a stroke though as he walked with her clinging to him and fell with her onto the bed. Making the headboard crash against the wall. They both went still. Looking at each other they giggled quietly.

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