Aaron - chapter 24

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Aaron had been planning a surprise for Debra the whole month they were apart. It was a big step for him, but he wanted to make it official. Everything was in place. They had even made plans for this weekend to get away alone.

"I can't wait till tomorrow babe!!" Debra squealed. I already arranged everything and I am packed and ready to go."

"I can't wait either my love. This weekend will be one you won't forget." He promised her.

"Fred is so much better now and almost healed enough to go back to work. Maggie called me today." She had updated him after the appointment.

Maggie and her had become close because she knew what it was like not to be able to spend the time you wanted with your man. So she had made sure to invite her over as much as possible. Debra enjoyed being there and gushing over Maggie and her little Prego belly.

"Heck I can't wait till he gets back to work. I know it's been driving him nuts being at home." Said Arron.

"Babe?" She said.

"Yes, my love?" He replied.

"You're my everything, you know that right?" She told him.

"Yes, and you're mine." Aaron said.

"Get some rest. I will see you in the morning." She said.

Debra ran around taking care of everything to be able to leave for the weekend. Arrangements were all in place for her absence.
She got ready for bed and although she was so excited she fell fast asleep.

Debra was giving the last of her instructions to her sister who came to stay with Mom and pop when Aaron pulled up in the morning.

She ran out the door to meet him. He barely had time to get out of his truck when she was throwing herself into his arms. He scooped her off her feet and twirled her around. She had grabbed his face and started kissing him as he stopped and set her down. Both felt whole again.

Breaking apart they stood their touching each other's face. Making sure that their memory of each other would remain true.

"Hey there my little addict." He smiled from deep within his heart.

"Hey there my stallion." She beamed up at him.

"Hey you two are y'all going to even say goodbye!!" Her sister yelled from the door.

The broke out of the bubble they were in and started walking hand in hand to go say their goodbyes.

Bags were all loaded and they were belted in and they headed out.

"So where are we headed?" Debra asked.

He smiled over at her. " Not far really."

"What do you mean, I thought we were getting away." She said confused and a little disappointed. She had been looking forward to a trip.

He took her hand. "I promise you will love it, well hopefully." He grinned.

They drove for 10 minutes and he began to slow down. She could only see one road and it had a two rows of huge oak trees. The kind that you could build treehouses in and hang swings from.

She frowned, maybe he need to stop at someone's place. They turned in and drove down the long road. At the end of the drive was a fabulous farm house.

"I arranged for us to stay here for the weekend." He informed her.

"It's a beautiful place."

"I know it's not what you were expecting. I figured I wanted to keep you all to myself, plus there is a pond out back. I know how much you love fishing, we could do that together as well." He said excitedly as he parked in front.

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