Aaron - chapter 9

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They arrived back at his house and they went directly to the kitchen to make their sandwiches.

"Well it wasn't a great date." He laughed.

"Well not exactly, but I did get to see who you are." She said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I got to see a kind, caring, concerned friend, and the type of family man you would be." She stated truthfully.

His face flushed he took a bite of his sandwich and chewed slowly. He was embarrassed that she could read him so easily.

"Don't be embarrassed that you let me see that side of you." Her hand caressed his cheek. "Now I know that I can truly trust you, and I can be who I am in front of you." Her hand trailed down his arm and squeezed his hand.

He smiled at her. "Not many people see me that way. If you were to ask the guys at work they would tell you something totally different."

"I don't care about what other people say about you." She looked at him. "I see what I see and I know what I feel and that's good enough for me." She leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

It had been a long night and they finished their simple meal in silence. They cleaned up together and when they were done both stood their and just sighed.

Aaron stepped up and grabbed her hand. His face so raw and full of emotion. She was goodness he thought. He knew the feelings he had were more than anyone had ever made him feel and in such a short time. Hell he didn't even know the full story of her life yet. "Stay with me tonight." He wasn't asking really it was more of a statement.

She looked at him and knew that he needed her and wanted her close. He had just went through something terrifying and he didn't want to be alone. She smiled at him. "Of course." She stepped into his arms and wrapped her arms around him so tightly. "I'm not going anywhere tonight."

Then he stepped out of her embrace and pulled her with him to the bedroom. He started to undress a shower. She left her phone on the nightstand and undressed to join him.

Tonight was diffrent as well. Their shower was just that, nothing sexual. Just a companionable silence as they bathed. A slow deliberate act of comfort. No talking, or touching just eye contact. Each contemplating the night that unfolded and how they came to be at this point. Silent smiles and reassurance. Appreciation without words. It was so intimate that she felt like crying. She had never experienced this kind of intimacy with anyone.

After their shower Aaron put some soft music on and he pulled back the sheets. She slipped under them and he turned out all the lights and followed her into bed. He gathered her to his side and she got comfortable in the crook of his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. She turned her face up to him and he lowered his head and kissed her gently. Soft and slow they kissed. His hand on her face and hers on his chest. Then they both ended the kiss and fell into a deep content sleep.

The sunlight tickled her eye lids and Debra stirred. She opened her eyes to see Aaron watching her sleep. He smiled when he saw her awake. "Good morning beautiful." He kissed her lightly on the nose.

"Good morning handsome." She smiled.
He pulled his arm out from under her and leaned up over her. "Did you sleep well?" His fingers touching her face and started trailing down her neck.

"Yes I did." Her hand went to his cheek." Did you?" Her brow furrowing in concern.

"Yes, aside from that terrible snoring you do. I slept rather well." He teased.

"Really! I don't snore, I purr." She laughed. "Did I really keep you awake with my snoring?" She got serious again.

He laughed. "No, and you must be a lioness because you weren't purring you were roaring." He laughed even harder.

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