Aaron - chapter 11

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Aaron had left the hospital and went to run his errands before he started his 12 hour shifts again. It would probably be some time before he had days off in a row again. He had plenty of vacation and other days he could use but he never did. He was all about his money so he worked like crazy all the time.

He stopped at the grocery store to get supplies. He made sure he had lunches enough for a couple days. Dinners he didn't worry about much because they would often stop after if they had a chance. He bought a different bag that seemed to be able to hold his clothes and toiletries alot better. As an after thought he bought one for Debra. Maybe she could have a bag ready for short outtings to see him at the hotels. He smiled thinking of how nice it would be for her to come and visit. He was walking towards the front of the store to check out and as he passed the jewelry counter, something caught his eye.

Sitting there in the case of a jewelry counter was a small pendant hanging from a delicate chain. He immediately thought of Debra and he knew he had to get it for her. He asked the girl to wrap it and he purchased it. He knew she would love it and it would show her how he felt about her. he texted her as he waited for the girl to wrap it.

"Hey lovely lady." he texted

"Hey you sexy beast." she replied

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I am lying here in bed naked thinking of you." she replied.

"Oh really and what do you do when you think of me." he smiled because he knew that she was probably standing at the stove cooking lunch.

"Well first I would be touching my breasts, and pinching my nipples imagining your mouth on them." she replied.

"Oh yeah and what else?" He asked. Then the girl from the jewelry counter came back with his package. He thanked her and continued to the check out line.

"Well then one of my hands would trail down to my....." she didn't finish the thought. She left him wondering as she smiled to herself. She was in the middle of cooking lunch.

Mom was walking by her and she stopped to see what Debra was cooking. Her hand came up and touched her on the back. "Looks good mija." then her hand stroked her head. "I hope that someone special is making you smile that big. Maybe he is the one that will make your dreams come true finally." Her mom always surprised her in the observations and comments that she randomly had.
Mom's dementia was progressing slowly but sometimes she had such clarity to her thoughts that it was a surprise to see.

"Oh mom he is wonderful. I will bring him by to meet you and pop soon. He does make me smile just thinking of him." She kissed her moms cheek. "Go sit lunch is almost done."

"I love you mija and it is time that you have all the love you deserve." She kissed her back on the cheek as well and left Debra standing at the stove.

Her phone chimed with a message and she giggled because she knew Aaron would be wanting to know more of the fake scenario she sent him.

"Soooo where did your hand stop?" He was asking.

"Well my hand trailed off to this cooking spoon to stir the food I am cooking LOL." She texted back. She giggled because he would appreciate the joke even if he wanted to hear more dirty things.

"I knew it you sneaky little trickster. How can you get me all excited and leave me hanging like that?" He was smiling from ear to ear as he texted her back.

Just then and older gentleman that was in the line next to him spoke to him. "She must be a pretty special lady to make you smile like that."

Aaron looked over at him and smiled. "Why do you say that sir?"

The Depot Of Love - Aaron's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now