Aaron - chapter 10

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The day was beautiful as Debra drove home. She was wonderfully spent and she wouldn't have it any other way. She sang to the music and rolled her windows down feeling the breeze on her face. It was a great day.

Arriving home she served up breakfast and chit chatted with her parents. She asked them what they wanted to get done today. When they suggested working in the garden she agreed happily. They weren't handicapped but mom had a touch of dementia and didn't cook because she was scared she would forget and leave the food on the stove and start a fire. Pop had yelled at her the one time she did, so now she didn't cook unless someone stayed with her the entire time. Most days Debra just cooked all the meals and left them ready. Debra's children would come by and make sure they were taken care of when she had to work. Often times Debra's sister and nieces would come visit or invite them over there to give them different faces and conversations.
Sometimes all the great grandchildren would come and they would sit out and watch them play while everyone else worked in the yard to help pop out. Everyone did their share.

Debra couldn't wait to see if they would like Aaron. Eventually she would have him over but for now she would just have to tell them and prepare them for someone new to come into their close knit family. Until then she would just keep him all to herself.

Aaron had stopped and got Fred a small gift and he made sure to get something for Maggie and Jason to eat because he knew she would have been there super early. He was content this morning and it all had to do with his little lover. She took everything and gave back more than he could expect. It was nice not to have to pretend to be anything other than himself. He whistled as he walked down the hall. Life was good he thought.

He knocked softly on the door of Fred's room just in case they were sleeping.
"Come in" it was Maggie's sweet voice.

"Hey, I come bearing gifts." He announced.

Maggie came and hugged him and Jason popped up from the couch they had for visitors.

"Mmm you brought food uncle Aaron.?"

"Is that the only reason your happy to see me?" He held the bag way above his head to keep it from Jason.

"Aww uncle Aaron you know I love you!" And he hugged him around the waist.
Aaron just laughed as he handed him the bag and Jason left him standing there.

"Thanks uncle Aaron." He was already chomping on the breakfast sandwiches.
Maggie just smiled. She looked tired.

"You didn't rest much did you?" Concern in his eyes.

"Not really." She admitted.

"Why don't you and Jason go to the other waiting room and stretch out and have some food."

Fred chimes in with a strained voice. "I told her to go home there's nothing she can do here but watch me sleep."

"Hey bud you still all doped up?" He tried to be cheerful but his buddy looked awful.

"Yeah it's some good stuff keeps all the pain at bay."

"Maggie, Aaron's here go home and rest and later this afternoon come back." He pleaded with her. He knew she had been up worrying all night and up at the crack of dawn to come back.

Her eyes darted to Aaron. "Can I trust you to keep him from harassing the pretty nurses?" She said darting a look over at Fred.

"I can keep him away but I can't promise I will." He said playfully.

"Hmm from what is saw I would say them pretty nurses don't have nothing on your pretty friend." Maggie said as she gathered their things.

Aaron blushed. "I'm my own man there isn't anyone that can keep me from pretty nurses." He tried to play it off but Maggie just laughed.

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