Aaron - chapter 29

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The next day they went to gather Debra's things to move to the house. Marci came and did the heavy stuff since now that they knew Debra was pregnant she wasn't allowed to lift anything.

Mom and pop were happy for her and they couldn't wait till the babies were here. She told them that she would be over all the time even if she wasn't living with them.

They finished up and went home to cook a small dinner for Darcy to break all the news to her. They hoped that she wouldn't be too angry that they hadn't called her the day before.

Aaron's and Debra were a little nervous waiting on her to get there. They even sat on the front porch to be able to see her as she pulled up.

She finally arrived and they greeted her warmly.

"Hey Dad. Hey Debra." she hugged each one in turn. "This is a great place. Did you rent it out for the weekend?"

"You can say that." They looked at each other. "Want to go check it out?" Debra suggested.

"Sure why not seems pretty neat for an old place." Said Darcy.

They went in and gave her a tour. When they reached the upstairs they showed her the master bedroom and then they walked over to the other side where the three bedrooms were. Earlier Aaron had moved all of Darcy's stuff into the furthest bedroom since he had a bedroom at the other place for her. Naturally she would always have a place to stay with him.

They made their way to the last bedroom and Darcy looked at them like they were crazy. "Why is my stuff here?" She looked again to make sure she was seeing things right.

"Well, You see, we have some news." Aaron started.

"I knew it, you guys shacked up already!!" She sounded happy for them.

"Well it's just a bit more than just that." Laughed Debra. "You're okay with us together?"

"Well yes, seems like you make my old man happy so why not." She hugged them.

"Like I said it is more than just that. You see, I asked her to marry me." Said Aaron. Debra lifted her hand up to show the ring.

"Dammit man, you two didn't wast any time." She giggled.

"I didn't want to let her get away." He quickly kissed Debra on the cheek.

"There is also something else and it may be weird or shocking or gross not sure how you're going to take it." Debra tried to lead into the pregnancy.

"Were you knocked up after all? Its been a while since we talked about it the last time I was here." Darcy looked at them both expectantly.

They both started laughing. "Yes, and well I am having twins." replied Debra.

"Holy shit!! Wow, I need to sit down." She went and sat on her bed. "When did you find out?" She was breathing hard.

"Are you okay?" asked Debra.

"How can you be all calm? You're having two babies!!" Darcy was freaking out.

Aaron went and sat next to her and hugged her. "Baby why is this freaking you out so much." His face full of worry.

"I don't know. It's just too much at once. I guess I thought good for you, you found someone and you weren't going to be alone. But now oh my god it's so much."

She looked up at him and he could see the unsure little girl in her face. The worry that she used to have in her eyes when he would leave and wonder if he was ever coming back. The time when he married the other one and she took her daddy away from her. Now he was understanding what was really freaking her out.

"Darcy honey, I love you so very much. You are and will always be my first true love. I will always be here for you and love you and take care of you when you need me. You may be grown but I can see that you think Debra and the babies will take me away from you like the last time. I promise you, that won't happen. Do you think we would have moved your things in here if I was going to leave you out of our lives. I know I wasn't the best dad to you during that time with the last one. I am not that man anymore. You will always be in my heart first before any other woman. I love Debra and she loves me and she would like to know you so much better so that maybe you can come to love her as much as I love you."

Debra came and sat at the other side of Darcy. She patted her leg. "Darcy, I would never make your dad chose between us nor will I allow him to forget that you are his first child. My kids went through most of what you have and I would never do that to anyone or their children." She reassured her.

Darcy had tears in her eyes and she swiped them away angry at herself for letting this get to her like she did. "I guess old fears are at work here." She tried to shake them off. "You would think that I was too old for childish jealousy and uncertainty."

"Oh no you will never be too old for that. After what you went through it's natural for you to feel like this." Debra said.

Darcy hugged her tight. "Thank you for not getting all angry and hurt by my reaction."

Debra smiled. "I would never be angry at you for your feelings. We still have to get to know each other a lot better before you can trust me. I understand that."

"Ok so since its all settled for now, lets go fishing." Aaron said.

Darcy looked at him strangely. "Where we going fishing?"

"Out back we have a huge pond on the property!" Debra said excitedly. They went out the back and grabbed the fishing gear.

"It's such a nice day to walk with my girls." He smiled at them both.

They had a great afternoon and caught dinner. There were some nice size catfish in there. There were also perch but they threw those back and just kept the catfish.

Debra sat on the porch with Darcy and they watch Aaron throw the fish on the pit. Her heart was full and everything was as it should be. She was so looking forward to the future.

She was also thinking of her friend Marci. Debra was saying a little prayer that Duffy was the one to finally tame Marci's heart. Those two were so cute together.
She couldn't wait to watch their story unfold.

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