Aaron - chapter 19

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Aaron left her there when he left for work. She showered and dressed and went home to do what she needed. He texted her that he was on his way South and he would see her when he got back.

"Hey babe, headed south, gonna end at hotel. I will see you when I get back."

"Are you afraid we would get caught if I go see you? Lol." Debra replied.

"Yes! Lol you know I don't want to share you either. Can't have you getting caught with other guys like last time. Lol."

She laughed. Aaron told her they were teasing Austin about her. She hadn't heard nothing as of yet.

"You know there is so many to choose from I might have to trade you in." She said.

"Really!!! As long as you don't take them to my place and do it there, I guess I'm ok with it." He joked.

"I never even thought of taking them there, thanks for the idea!" She replied.

"Lol you know I'm going to have to punish you when you get back."

"Oh goody spank me baby! Lol" she giggled at least we can joke she thought.

"Stop I won't be able to walk if you start talking dirty!" Aaron replied.

"Ok ok anyway have a safe trip let me know when you get in. Kiss kiss."

"I will and kisses back ttyl." Aaron replied.

He put his phone away.

He smiled and put his head back as they drove to their train.

Debra did some stuff around the house. She still didn't get called for work yet. When she was done she went to nap.

It was late when she got called out to work. She did her usual routine when checking in. Once she was parked by the office she went in to let her crew know she was there.

"Hey guys. I'm here for Garcia. She looked around. She had been worried that he was the same one that had made those comments about when she had been caught coming out of the hotel.

"Hey Ms Debra, We will be out soon." He had peeked out from the other office.

Debra had to hold back the groan. It was him. Oh well guess he would have to deal with his ass for just a few. No biggie she could handle it.

"Ok, I am the second van in line. With that she walked out. There were several other guys in there as well and she didn't want to have to deal with their stares and comments.

When she walked out she went to talk to Jana for a few minutes. She was another driver. Super nice lady. She did this part time as she was a single parent and just needed a little extra to help her get by.

"Hey girl what's been going on with you?" Debra asked.

"Not much just the same ole same ole." Jana replied.

"I hear ya. So how was your semi date the other night?" Debra asked. Jana had told her that she was meeting someone after work.

Jana smiled and giggled. "Oh my gosh girl! He was so amazing. I can't believe we get along so well. Not to mention so compatible in bed." She laughed.

Debra laughed as well from happiness. she knew what it felt like to be compatible in bed. "I know the feeling girl. Isn't it great to be able to do and say whatever you like and never be judged."

"Yes it is!" said Jana.

"So who is the lucky guy?" asked Debra.

"Well to be honest we don't want to say just yet. He is in the middle of a divorce so he wants to wait till that is over." She said kinda worried.

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