Aaron - chapter 20

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Aaron and Brett talked alot on the way home. Each sharing details of their new ladies. Neither one disclosing that they were drivers or even mentioning names.

"Well Brett maybe once we get settled with our ladies we can all hang out. I can grill and you bring drinks we can make a day out of it."

"Sounds fun, all of my current friends are upset with me. I doubt they would be willing to accept my girl so soon."

"Well to hell with them, friends don't do that kind of shit. They should be supporting you."

"That's what I thought to but she has them believing she is the victim. They never saw the way she would talk to me or treat me when we were alone. She was good at being deceptive."

"Well good thing you opened you eyes." Aaron said.

Finally they finished their shift and they were taken to the home office to clock out. There were four others in there ready to leave when they walked in.

"What's up guys." They all greeted each other.

"Not much man said BJ. We were just here talking about that hot to trot driver." Aaron tensed a little. He knew he had to play it cool.

"Oh yeah which one is that?" He asked.

"You know that little shorty Debra. She been in and out the hotels." He said rather lewdly.

"Really? I thought it was just that once?" Aaron said calmly.

"Nah man they saying it's every time she goes that way. You just have to ask nicely." Him and the others guys started laughing.

"Dam really. Well guess y'all going to feel shitty if it's just one guy she doing and it's not just a fling." Aaron said off handedly. "Maybe they just don't want all you jerks to know because all you do is run your mouths."

Brett chimed in. "You know y'all always think the worst about these drivers out here. Maybe y'all should concentrate on your own women at home more so they won't be cheating on your sorry asses!"

They all got quiet. Brett never said anything. He stormed to the other office.

They all looked at Aaron. "Dam what the hell was that?" They mumbled.

"That my friends was a man that respects all women even though his own personal life is not perfect. Y'all should try it sometime."Aaron walked away as well. The room was quiet.

Aaron patted Brett on the shoulder. A silent high five in a way. He didn't have to tell him a thing about his new love. He could only guess it was a driver. He smiled thinking about his little driver. Wonder where she was at the moment.

He hurriedly texted her and finished up his work.

Debra woke a few hours later surprised that she hadn't been called out. She saw Aaron had texted her as well. She smiled knowing he made it home safely. She got up and showered and drank some hot tea again because she still felt queasy. That wasn't going to stop her from going to see him. Her body was humming with excitement.

She drove over to his place. She used the key to let herself in. Closing the door she put her stuff down and went towards his bedroom. She could smell coffee. Did he get up already? She detoured to the kitchen. She stopped dead in her tracks. There was a young woman standing there cooking something on the stove.

Her heart jumped into her throat. The woman must of felt someone behind her and turned around. Debra just turned and grabbed here things and left. How could he have given her a key and then bring someone over! Her hands were shaking as she tried to start her car. The woman was at the door trying to get her to stop but her eyes were so full of tears she didn't see her. She drove home and crawled back into bed. She shut her phone off as well she didn't want to hear excuses or explanations. She felt so betrayed.

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