Aaron - chapter 13

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Aaron thought of Debra all night as they headed out of town. He even texted her when they had to stop for a few moments. He felt like a dam school boy being all sneaky. What they did this evening though, wow was all he could think. His manhood stirred a bit just thinking about. He couldn't wait to hold her again.

After dropping Aaron off she got back and clocked out and went directly home. Her parents were out working in the yard. She smiled because they would always do everything together. Maybe she could have that one day. It felt good to at least have a ray of hope for herself again. She sighed and went in to make lunch.

Aaron had texted her when they made a quick stop just to let her know that he missed her already. Her heart sang. He made her feel so special. It's hard to believe that all this has occurred in just a matter of a couple days. She finished up lunch. She talked to her parents for a few minutes. Then she started feeling really tired so she told them she was going to shower and go to bed. She would be on call soon and needed to rest for a while. They ended up taking a nap as well since they had been out working in the yard all morning.

Debra had fallen right to sleep.

Debra stood there in the dark. she didn't know where she was. She could hear music coming from somewhere. She followed it blindly it was almost too dark to see but there was a full moon so it was lighting up a path. Even as dark as it was, she wasn't scared. She kept walking towards the music and the closer she got, the louder it became. It wasn't a particular song that she recognized, just a melody that beckoned her to follow. She looked around and could see that she was in the woods and she frowned. Why would she be in the woods? She was confused. The music was even louder now as she saw an opening in the trees. She walked through and she was blinded because suddenly the dark changed to a bright sunny day and the music disappeared and the birds were chirping and she could hear a dog barking. She could also smell fresh cut grass and smoke from a barbeque pit. She stood still as her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the day. When she was finally able to see she noticed a small house in the clearing. Just a little two story farmhouse. It was a bright sky blue color, with white shutters. She started towards the house and she could hear children coming from beyond the house. Where was she? As she approached she could see the porch wrapped around the whole house. She thought how nice she had always wanted a house with a wrap around porch. She reached the steps of the porch and walked up.

"Hey y'all need to be careful! A familiar voice.

The children just giggled in the background. Debra continued to walk around to follow the porch around to the back of the house. She came around the corner and that's when she could see the smoke from a barbeque pit directly in front of her. Whatever they were cooking smelled delicious. Then one of the children screamed. It startled Debra and she looked around and she spotted to children to her left by a big tree that had a make shift tire swing.

"Brian, what happened!" A man bellowed from the back door.

Debra turned to see who it was but he had ran out so quickly she only saw the back of him. She watched him run over to the children. He knelt down next to a little girl sitting in the dirt crying. Why did he look familiar. He wore a red ball cap and had his back turned towards Debra. There was also a little boy standing there with frightened eyes wringing his hands together nervously.

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't mean to." he sounded like he wanted to cry.

"It's ok buddy, ok little miss lets see what happened."

Debra knew that voice and she had already gotten off the porch and went to see what had happened.

"Oh daddy, Brian pushed me! He is just a meany!" the little girl cried loudly.

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