Aaron - chapter 23

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When Aaron had arrived at home Darcy was watching a show. She looked up when he walked in. "Hey dad. Did y'all finally stop making out?" She said teasing him. "Look at you dad all in love."

Aaron just laughed. "Shut your face young lady." He plopped down on the couch with her. "I have missed you baby girl."

"I know, I can tell by the countless texts and calls you make." rolling her eyes.

"I never have been big on communication, you know that. I just have been living my life and I stay to myself because it just seemed easier than trying to find a spot in someone elses life." He admitted.

"Well it looks like maybe your life is going to change in more ways than one." She said.

"What do you mean. Debra is used to living the hours and the kind of solitude I have. She understands and we will be alright I think."

"Yeah, but what if she is pregnant dad." She asked seriously. "Aren't you too old to be having babies." She teased.

"Well for one, I am not old! second, if she is then I guess we will have to adjust. That's part of life." He leaned over and ruffled her hair. "You don't worry about your old man. I can handle things just fine." He stood. "This old man is tired, make sure all is locked up and clean before you go to bed please." he left her sitting there watching her show.

Aaron took a long hot shower and pondered the million dollar question of the day. Is she pregnant or not. It really hasn't been but what three almost four weeks. He needed to talk to Fred. When he got out he texted Fred.

"Hey buddy, hows it going."

While he waited for a response he put on his pajamas and brushed his teeth. Still nothing. Oh well he would call him tomorrow.

Aaron laid down and was fast asleep.

Debra had fallen asleep instantly after she had showered. Unfortunately she didn't stay asleep. She was tossing and turning and worrying. Could she even be pregnant? She texted Marci. An hour later no response. UGH she needed to talk to someone! She finally just got up to get a drink. When she came out of her room she saw moms light on.

Tapping softly on the door she called out. "Mom?"

Her mom opened the door quickly. "What's wrong mija?"

"I couldn't sleep, are you okay? It's late why are you still awake."

"Nothing really, I woke because I was thirsty and I was thinking about you and your amor."

Debra straighten the bed and fixed the covers coaxing her mom back to bed. If she didn't sleep enough the dementia seemed to be enhanced the next day.

Debra smiled at her. "Oh mom , he is so wonderful. Lo amo mucho." She helped her take her slippers off so she could get into bed. Her mom laid back.

She reached over and laid her hand on Debra's belly. "It will be nice to have babies in the house again."

Debra just looked at her mom as she turned over to get comfortable. She laid a hand on her belly, could it be?

"Goodnight mama, I love you."

"Goodnight mija, te amo.

Debra stepped out and lit a cigarette. So many thoughts going through her head. A little one right now would be just crazy on top of her already crazy life. She just took a deep breath. Lord if it's meant to be then I accept whatever you have in store for us.

She went to bed and slept deeply this time.

Aarons phone started ringing. He answered it automatically thinking it was work. "Hello?"

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