2. Shipwrecks

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"The Precious has sunken."

Seonghwa's mother gasped softly where she was sitting opposite of them next to Tikki who kept sticking her tongue out and making faces at Seonghwa. He reciporated the teasing whenever he could, making his mother smile at them fondly. Hongjoong just slurped his soup in peace.

Hongjoong felt Seonghwa reach out to pull up the blanket around the smaller man's shoulders whenever he noticed it slipping down, brushing his fingers through the soft hair on the back of his head. Hongjoong always just hummed appreciatively. He could get used to the attention.

"What are you planning to do now then? Where will you get a new ship?"

"I will search for a friend of mine a few towns over, he is a carpenter. Until he is done I'll search the mainland and the close islands for my crew. We got split up by the storm."

The storm had been about a week ago if he calculated it correctly. His crew could have ended up anywhere, badly hurt and he needed to check on them as soon as possible even if he just wanted to stay in Seonghwa's warm house forever and let him care for him. Seeing Tikki again also lifted his mood considerably.

Seonghwa exchanged a glance with his mother. Tikki quietly played with her plush doll now.

"Can I join you? I want to see the others and spend some time with you...", Seonghwa murmured softly and Hongjoong lifted his head to watch the way the candles in their midst casted gentle highlights in Seonghwa's dark hair. Tikki made Joong dance with the shadows the flames created.

Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa's mother, searching for approval on her face. She was the boss right now and as happy as his heart was at the question it was still a risky thing to ask.

To everyone's surprise she just shrugged, scooping more soup into Hongjoong's bowl.

"Who am I to defy you? Seonghwa has been glowing for the whole evening now and I know he came back the last two times too. Go and start another adventure. You're still young." 

Seonghwa nearly jumped up from his chair at her words, nodding quickly. Hongjoong just grinned into his bowl mysteriously, continously eating.

"I will join too!", Tikki then declared loudly, already standing up to go pack a bag when Seonghwa's mother gently caught her around the waist, pulling her back.

"I don't think so, young lady. We have to stay here and care for them when they come back all bruised up!"

Tikki critically looked Seonghwa up and down as if having to decide first whether he was worth the hassle. Hongjoong got her approval quite easily.

"Then we will go next time and those two can stay here and wait!" She flipped her hair back, making Hongjoong nearly spit his soup out in his desperate attempts not to laugh out loud. She truly was one sassy child. Maybe even more so now that Seonghwa's mother and he brought her up.

Hongjoong straightened when he felt Seonghwa slip both of his legs around one of his, sharing their warmth. He wanted to reach out his hand and take Seonghwa's pretty fingers in his too but he was unsure of how far he could go with that large gap of time they had spent apart between them. It was much more time than they had initially spent together and Hongjoong was unsure where his heart lay (even though it could not be that far after those kisses they shared.)

So instead he just wrapped his other leg around Seonghwa's in the middle, copying him. He heard the other man make a happy little noise, feeling content.

"Alright, sweetie. Should I get you my friend who lives close by maybe? She is quite confident in her healing abilities." Seonghwa's mother adressed Hongjoong again, nodding towards his ears with a worried expression. As if reminded by that a sudden pain throbbed through Hongjoong's ears, making his hand flinch upwards to cover them protectively.

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