15. Come back Home

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"Tell us what 'appened after the Precious went down to Davy Jones' Locker."

The three pirates were peacefully walking over the well vegetated fields down west, enjoying the warmth and wild smells of spring around them. Hongjoong had never been much of a land person but he did see the beauty in it, especially after being held inside for so long.

"I went back to shore with Wooyoung. It took us some time to find the others but Yunho managed to collect everybody again. We waited some time fer ye near the port but ye ne'er showed to the sky. So we decided to go search fer ye but Yunho wanted to stay an' take care o' the lads. So I been sent out to get ye." San was idly nibbling on a stalk of grass he had put between his lips, his loose shirt fluttering in the wind. He looked every bit like the pirate he was.

Hongjoong affecionately squeezed Seonghwa's hand in his, having bin drawing circles on the back of the other man's hand for quite some time now. Their fingers were pleasantly warm against each other and the glances San sometimes gave them were not even jealous but benevolent.

He got a careful squeeze back, feeling his heart swell in contentment.

"Jongho went to take care o' a ship an' Yeosang an' I started searchin' fer ye. We actually went to Seonghwa's 'ome first as soon as we located it an' asked 'is mom about ye. She told us ye already left some time ago an' also pointed out the direction fer us, such a sweet lady." The man exchanged a grin with Seonghwa that the other man shyly reciprocated, listening intently to San's narrative.

"Well then we went in the same direction such as yerself did at that time but we only found yer sword. An' 'ints that there there 'ad been some fightin' goin' on but absolutely no trace o' ye." San huffed, exhaustedly looking up at the sky as if it was responsible for all the suffering he had to go through for this crew. Hongjoong thought he was being dramatic.

"Yeosang's shadow said 'e 'ad 'eard some things about that cult though so we 'ad to send 'im out to find Yongguk first. Ye know 'ow 'ard it be to get a 'old o' that man so well, it took us some time. Yongguk traced ye down to that there mountain an' then we let these mates get us in under the pretense o' bein' grub. Ye know the rest."

Indeed, he knew. So they had worked together quite well indeed, better even than Hongjoong had expected. He was glad that he had Yongguk as a friend. The man sure knew how to deal with things. He would have to make sure to thank the other man properly as soon as they met again.

"Ye did well. It been gettin' quite stuffy in there.", Hongjoong gave him a praise, making San immediately stand more upright and preen proudly.

"Thank you, San... I'm also glad to hear that all of you are alright." Seonghwa's voice was still a bit rough from crying so long earlier and San visibly softened for him, his long lashes fluttering.

"You're welcome, honey. Dahan ana Hojun have suffered minor injuries but they will heal in no time when they 'ear ye will meet them again.", he hummed gently, his eyes flickering upwards when he noticed a figure in the distance.

Hongjoong too had been squinting at the shadow for quite some time now, not sure whether it was some kind of warped pole or an actual person.

Now San lifted his hand though to wave at the shadow in a grand gesture, easily directing any attention to them. Hongjoong sighed.

"It be Yeo. 'e wanted to meet us at the crossway."

Hongjoong felt Seonghwa bounce a little with glee at that information, quickening his steps. The other person waved back at them, looking ridiculously small from that far out and slowly started walking towards them.

"'e got yer boots o' death by the way.", San added with a smirk in Hongjoong's direction, making him hum approvingly. He had missed his boots these days, having discarded them while still on the ship before it sunk. He was astonished that somebody had actually remembered to get them even in the mess that their wreck had been.

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