30. Pirate King

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Hongjoong felt his knees and hands bleed where he had repeatedly slipped and scraped them against the rough stone. Seonghwa was in no better shape, his eyes wide and terrified when they finally stumbled down onto the beach.

"Weigh anchor! Move ye slow bastards!", Hongjoong yelled up at the ship, pulling Seonghwa with him desperately. This resulted in Jongho sticking his head confusedly over the railing, looking down at them questioningly.

"What's goin' on? Did somethin' 'appen?" He cocked his head, flinching then when suddenly a bullet whizzed past him, missing his skull by about a centimeter. Jongho blinked, his eyes wide, then he turned to yell at he crew to leave.

Hongjoong heard the commotion on the ship, people running around and he pulled Seonghwa closer to his own body, shielding him against the bullets that so far had missed them luckily.

In the distance however, he could also still hear yells from Seonghwa's mother, telling her navy lover to stop in panic.

"What are you doing, this is my son! You know very well this is wrong!"

"I am not shooting at him but at that pirate! If we get rid of him we can also explain this to the governor! Leave me, I-"

Hongjoong stumbled when another bullet flew at them, scraping against his arm and making pain erupt there sharply. Seonghwa cursed, pulling him around and in his own protective arm, making him keep running.

"Take him, pirate king! Go be free! Do whatever you want!"

Hongjoong had to laugh breathlessly at the order from Seonghwa's mom. This was not how he had imagined this meeting to go.

"He can't! Honey, I get it that you are standing between the two of us but if he joins forces with this pirate there will be many people hunting him! I can't protect him then!"

Hongjoong pushed Seonghwa towards the rope ladder, the man quickly scaling it with Hongjoong right behind him. His arm hurt but he gritted his teeth, forcing himself up into the waiting arms of his lover. They ducked behind the railing where Yunho was also kneeling, quickly pulling up the step ladder.


Hongjoong lifted his head to look into Seonghwa's wide and scared eyes, finding them flicking between him and the cliffs panicking.

"What about my mom?! What if something happens to her?!"

Hongjoong reached his hands out, not caring about the blood on one of them as he gently grasped Seonghwa's shoulders. He squeezed them tenderly, trying to appear calm.

"Nothin' will 'appen. She be betrothed to that man so 'e will protect 'er. They can explain it with me forcin' ye to do this."

Seonghwa did not look convinced, nearly moving to peek up over the railing. Hongjoong held him down with a bit more force, moving in closer to speak even more urgently.

"Listen to me, Seonghwa. Look at me." When Seonghwa did not, Hongjoong extended his hand to carefully turn the man's head in his direction. He stared in his insecure eyes, his voice steady.

"She be safe. 'e will take care o' 'er. She told me to take ye instead o' leavin' ye behind fer them to sort this out. This means it be alright. Ye can stay 'ere an' she be capable to deal with everythin' by 'erself."

Yunho interrupted them rather rudely.

"Captain! Please allow me to shoot that man! 'e be tryin' to 'it San an' Wooyoung!"

"Avast! We will not touch 'im. Set sail an' get the 'ell away from 'ere before 'e asks 'is mates to come."

Yunho snorted, stressed, and put his gun away.

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