8. Feast

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When Hongjoong was ushered into the main hall with some robes the next morning they had already taken Hanbyeol down, leaving him no opportunity to ask for the man. Hongjoong was being left alone to scrub away at the stained stone of the altar, feeling sweat drip all over him while he was working. There were some candles and dried flowers and herbs that he had to arrange around the flat surface and he did so with little motivation.

What was he, some kind of maid?

Hongjoong was grumbling while he was putting everything up, watching the robes rearrange the benches to two long rows and set up a table in the middle. They started carrying in the platters of food soon after, setting them up without ever saying a word or making any other noise. Just some floating robes that seemed so empty inside. The tranquility made the cave seem all the more cold.

Hongjoong wanted to leave already. They had been here for about four days and he was fed up with it. He wanted to return to his ship already and feel the ocean breeze in his face while the soft rushing of the waves lulled him to sleep.

Of course there was no music or such and the hall slowly filled later. Hongjoong counted about fifty robes and they had Youjin with them, the man stumbling weakly in their grip. He looked better than Hanbyeol had yesterday and could still barely walk so Hongjoong was not surprised when he did not see the talleer man. They probably put him in some cell to let him suffer in peace.

Hongjoong wondered if he also looked that horrible. He did not feel quite that weak yet even with his hand constantly poisoning his blood.

When they had all settled down at the table with Hongjoong at the place at the very left and the leader robe directly opposite of him, two more robes walked in with Seonghwa in their midst.

Hongjoong had been distracted only for a second, watching Youjin lean heavily against a robe far further down of their long table but Seonghwa's appearance certainly caught his eyes.

They had put him in a gown of some sorts and he looked devastatingly beautiful.

His chest was bare, chiseled muscles on display and with golden accessoires decorating his arms and neck heavily. They had also painted some ancient runes onto his skin, twisting up his sides and contrasting prettily with his body.

The only thing he was wearing was a long skirt, sheer black fabric reaching down until his ankles. Two slits up the front part showcasted his legs up until his upper thighs and the fabric thickened enough around his groin to hide what was needed.

More chains tinkled around his tiny waist and ankles and Hongjoong wanted to shower him in jewels, see his skin glow with them.

He was staring quite long because when he finally snapped out of it Seonghwa had already been brought over and told to settle on the thick pillow on the altar. The man did so with a blush dusting his cheeks, carefully tucking his legs in before looking down at them regally.

Hongjoong was not that opposed to worshipping him anymore.

"I see we have gathered. Pirate king, you might serve our prince as you were quite helpful these days. Let's celebrate the arrival of the dark prince." Leader robe gestured for them to eat and everybody finally did, shovelling food into the darkness of their hoods. After rollinghis eyes Hongjoong also grabbed a plate and moved to get Seonghwa food, being careful with his decisions.

There would be a lot of undetectable ways to poison humans only and not whatever they defined as but he had to trust they would not.

He started simple, giving Seonghwa some soup and bread to munch on so he would not overwhelm his stomach and Seonghwa took it from him with a murmured thanks, placing it next to his body on the altar.

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