25. First Date

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They anchored further away from the port than they usually would, not wanting to risk getting ambushed again. As usual they would leave in two groups, one today and the other one on the day after. Hongjoong and Seonghwa were in today's group together with San, Wooyoung and Yeosang. Of course it was only a matter of time until they would split up and do whatever they had desired to do.

So Hongjoong finally found himself alone with Seonghwa a few hours later and they wove through the masses of merchants, pirates and normal folks easily, Seonghwa always staying close to his side. The man seemed only slightly overwhelmed by the various scents and noises attacking them from everywhere, turning his head towards everything that piqued his interest while Hongjoong merely marched forwards determinedly.

Hongjoong knew exactly where he wanted them to start.

He pulled Seonghwa over to the first booth selling garments he saw, greeting the owner before he began sifting through the many different kinds of cloth.

He wanted to see about everything on Seonghwa. Expensive laces and silks, anything revealing his pretty skin, leathers, straps... He could not even decide what exactly he was looking for right now, imagining the baker in everything and deciding he liked all of it.

Because he liked Seonghwa. It was simple like that.

"Give us these." Hongjoong started throwing some seemingly random items to the seller, being meticulous with his picking while Seonghwa had not even dared to step closer yet, patiently waiting behind Hongjoong.

"Choose a few yerself, precious. Take whatever ye want." The seller was distracted for a second when Seonghwa shyly stepped up and asked for permission, the man immediately agreeing and showing him things maybe a bit too gushingly. Hongjoong seized the moment to slip some lacy undergarments into his shirt undetected.

He waited calmly until Seonghwa had gotten two things himself, adding them to the pile Hongjoong had created with a shy glance in his direction. Hongjoong merely grinned, handing him the bag he had taken while Hongjoong paid for their things.

They continued down the bustling alley then, Hongjoong also slipping the stolen goods into the duffle. When Seonghwa gave him a curious stare he merely smirked at him. He expected some disapproving stares but Seonghwa's eyes softened instead, a disbelieving chuckle escaping his lips.

"What a pirate you are."

"The best out o' all o' them.", he proudly declared, watching some people dodge them when they recognized his face. He received some sneers, as usual, but this time he made sure to wrap his free hand around Seonghwa's waist, holding him close while his right hand hung comfortably next to his whip.

Seonghwa sunk into his embrace, his shoulder brushing against Hongjoong's chest with every step he took. He seemed content to let himself be guided around, not putting up a fight at all.

Hongjoong recognized some of the faces that passed them, nodding at some old friends in greeting and giving enemies a mocking smirk.

He led Seonghwa down another alley when he spotted a vendor selling alcohol, stepping up there with his eyes already skimming the labels professionally.

"Which red wine do ye recommend?", Hongjoong asked the woman behind the table without even looking up at her, picking a bottle up to hold it against the light.

"This be a more fruity an' rich one. These 'ere be famous fer bein' from the southern islands. The one ye be 'oldin' 'as slightly more alcohol in it than this here one fer example." She pointed another one out for him and Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa, rising a brow questioningly.

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