16. Back to you

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Smut in the second half of the chapter

They arrived in the port city two days later, having stopped by an inn once and sent Seonghwa in to get some food as to not disturb the townsfolk further with their presence. It was a calming two days, Seonghwa spending lots of time catching up with San and Yeosang, asking them a stream of questions that never seemed to end. His excitement was endearing and Hongjoong's brooding self was weak for it, not having the energy to worry the baker with his own indecisive problems.

Hongjoong did not know how to adress the topic of taking him with them again yet so he decided to wait for now and observe Seonghwa. The man did not seem opposed to that idea, fitting right in with the crew but Hongjoong also saw the scars marring his mouth, heard him toss and turn at night when nightmares kept him from sleeping.

Maybe it was not Seonghwa who had to make a difficult decision. Maybe it was Hongjoong himself.

For now he would push those thoughts away though. His priorities laid with the new ship and his crew, love could come later.

The first person they met when going down to the docks was Mingi and the tall red-haired man was absolut ecstatic to see them. With the speed of lightning he jumped down from the barrel he had been lazing on next to some inn and raced towards them.

Hongjoong knew what was coming and steeled his legs against it, shifting them apart so he could catch Mingi's momentum without crashing to the ground. Moments later he felt himself sinking into the suffocating embrace of his tall friend that reeked heavily of alcohol.

"Captain, ye made it!" Mingi's deep voice slurred a bit around the edges, being even less audible with the way he had buried his face in Hongjoong's neck. The captain patted his hunched back with a sigh.

"Somebody's overwhelmed when put under pressure, 'uh? Get off ye big baby, I have a crew to look after." He gently pushed the man off, tightly catching him at the shoulder when he tumbled and Mingi gave him a loopy grin, looking quite done for today.

"Get 'is boyfriend o'er 'ere so 'e can look after this bilge rat, 'e be three sheets to the wind.", Hongjoong impatiently ordered San and the man swiftly took off, looking around the buildings and the dock for Yunho. Yeosang followed albeit more peacefully.

"They are dating by now?" Seonghwa's amused chuckle came from right behind Hongjoong and captured Mingi's attention, the man swaying like the pendulum of a big clock when he lifted his head. His eyes were shining with happiness as soon as he laid his eyes upon Seonghwa.

"Princess Swab! It be a pleasure to meet ye again!" Mingi attempted to make a risky step towards Seonghwa only to be pushed back against the nearest barrel by Hongjoong, the smaller man fighting to balance this overgrown puppy.


Mingi obeyed with a sheepish grin, clumsily dropping down on the barrel again and making grabby hands at Seonghwa. Hongjoong stepped aside with another sigh so the baker could go hug the pirate.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm also happy to see you, Mingi." Seonghwa was much too gentle when he held the other man and Hongjoong tried to pretend not to be jealous, directing his murderous gaze away. Had Seonghwa been hugging him that gently too? Did he ever let his pretty fingers play with the hair on the back of Hongjoong's head like that?

Self-consicously, Hongjoong smoothed his entangled hair down, pretending to be busy with looking around.

"Mingi! Captain! Oh, an' look who it is~ be ye bringin' another child, princess?" Yunho jogged up to them from the other direction, a cheerful grin on his tanned face when he dipped down to half-embrace Seonghwa while his free hand already settled on Mingi's shoulder to balance the humming man.

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