26. Fireworks and Promises

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Mild smut towards the end of the chapter.


They had returned to the ship peacefully and without further disturbances from any people that thought it necessary to attack them. Seonghwa had also calmed down from his earlier outburst, returning to his soft self.

When they stepped inside of the captain's quarters Hongjoong was elated to see the things he had asked San to get sitting on the bed, waiting for them. He was quick to step up and throw his jacket over them, hiding them from view for now.

He turned to Seonghwa with a mischievous grin, looking him up and down. What did they even want to get started with?

"I guess nothin' e'er will compare to that there sacrificial gown. What do ye want to wear tonight?", Hongjoong asked him curiously, watching Seonghwa hum and step up to the duffle with stuff they had gotten.

"How's this... I will dress on my own for now and you do you. I think we can trust each other with this. I will only pick things from this bag." He pointed at the bag while Hongjoong inclined his head intrigued. What would Seonghwa come up with?

"Fine. But I only 'ave me usual clothes layin' around, nothin' special about that. But I can try to make them special." Hongjoong grinned broadly, watching Seonghwa search around in the bag for a while.

"Wait for a second, you do - oh god what even is that - you do. I got you some." He pulled out the things he had chosen himself earlier, throwing them over to the pirate. He caught them effortlessly, examining them critically.

He had meant for Seonghwa to pick something he liked for himself. Apparently the man had copied Hongjoong's style and rather picked things he wanted to see on his lover.

He could work with that.

"Alright. Let's not peek fer now then. If ye need some other accessories..." Hongjoong nodded towards the box on his drawer, receiving a sweet smile in return. He then went to work.

The clothes Seonghwa had picked for him were quite fitting to what he also preferred usually. However, they were less made for utility in combat or particular usefulness. They looked more pretty, the fabric soft and embroidered with pretty laces here and there and the top sleeveless, probably able to wrap around his body like a second skin.

Hongjoong pulled on the top first, feeling the black fabric snug against his skin. It seemed not very much durable and Hongjoong smirked at the idea of Seonghwa ripping it apart later, digging his fingers into Hongjoong's bare back.

The pants were pretty and fit around his legs well. The color was even fitting to his usual brown boots. He put those on as well and forewent a coat, wanting to seem more approachable. On his way out he grabbed the things San got and a blanket, also snatching up a tight-fitting leather neckband from his jewel box.

He left Seonghwa to get ready then, going outside in order to climb up to the wooden surface that was the ceiling of his quarters. He had a spectacular view of the sky from here and put the blanket down with a satisfied hum, starting to sort the things around it as neatly as possible since Seonghwa liked that kind of order.

He had anticipated for Seonghwa to be gone for a longer period of time but when he finished Seonghwa was already stepping out of the door underneath, pulling it shut behind him quietly. Hongjoong leaned over the edge to call out to him, beckoning him closer.

"Come 'ere." He extended his hand to the taller man and he easily grabbed it, the dainty bracelets dangling from his wrists sliding down his arms prettily. Hongjoong pulled him up with a grunt, helping him to settle down on the blanket that he had put down in the middle of the plateau.

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